Family Group


Simon John Thomas Ash     
  Born: 1885 - Stoke, Damerel, England
  Marr: 1916 -
  Died: 23 MAR 1963 - Public Hospital, Waipukurau
Father: John Ash
Mother: Mary Jane Walk
Other Spouses:

Annie Matilda Alice Riddiford   
  Born: 1899 - Ahaura, Nelson Area
  Died: 22 JUL 1962 - Blackball
Father: Charles Edward Riddiford
Mother: Alice Cordelia Penrose
Other Spouses:

1. Alice Mary Blanche Known As Blanche Ash 
  Born: -
  Marr: - Cyril Edgar Graham
  Died: - 2. Ethel Agnes Ash 
  Born: -
  Marr: - Douglas Malcolm W Ryder
  Died: - 3. John Edward Ash 
  Born: -
  Died: - 4. Doreen Amelia Ash   
  Born: 11 FEB 1923 - Gisborne Area
  Marr: - Colin Kirkwood Smith
  Died: 25 NOV 1984 - Wellington Hospital 5. Thomas Paul (Twin) Ash   
  Born: 1927 - Wairoa
  Marr: 1955 - Ngaire Helen Collins
  Died: 4 OCT 1982 - Wairoa 6. Charles Peter (Twin) Ash   
  Born: 1927 - Gisborne Area
  Marr: 1947 - Elsie May Sparksman
  Died: 16 SEP 1999 - 7. Colin Douglas Ash 
  Born: -
  Marr: - Sarah Ann Doyle
  Died: -
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Family Group


Cyril Edgar Graham   
  Born: 28 AUG 1911 - Grimsby, England
  Marr: -
  Died: 1 JUN 1987 - Hastings Memorial Hospital, Hastings
Father: Frederick Bela Known As Fred Graham Or Govsky
Mother: Nellie Adeline Baldock
Other Spouses:

Alice Mary Blanche Known As Blanche Ash
  Born: -
  Died: -
Father: Simon John Thomas Ash
Mother: Annie Matilda Alice Riddiford
Other Spouses:

1. Noel Anthony Graham   
  Born: 1934 - Wairoa Area
  Marr: - June Margaret Sharpe
  Died: 1971 - Rotorua Hospital 2. Cecil John Frederick Graham   
  Born: 1936 - Wairoa Area
  Marr: - Judith Ann Smith
  Died: 2003 - 3. Trevor Watson Rata Graham 
  Born: -
  Marr: - Fay Yvonne Walker
  Died: - 4. Paul Edgar William Graham 
  Born: -
  Marr: - Judith Ann Known As Judy Mitchell (other spouses)
  Died: - 5. Beverley Alice Nellie Graham 
  Born: -
  Marr: - Alan Woolston
  Died: - 6. Rose Graham 
  Born: -
  Marr: - George Helwyn? Fowler (other spouses)
  Died: - 7. Clive Thomas Graham 
  Born: -
  Marr: - Christine Gaye Vercoe
  Died: -
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Family Group


John Ash     
  Born: ABT 1856 - Lidford, Devon, England
  Marr: 1881 - Stoke, Damerel, England
  Died: -
Father: Thomas Ash
Mother: Charlotte Taylor
Other Spouses:

Mary Jane Walk   
  Born: ABT 1858 - Plymouth, Devon, England
  Died: -
Father: Simon Ryder Walk
Mother: Mary Pollard?
Other Spouses:

1. Simon John Thomas Ash   
  Born: 1885 - Stoke, Damerel, England
  Marr: 1916 - Annie Matilda Alice Riddiford
  Died: 23 MAR 1963 - Public Hospital, Waipukurau 2. Annie Amelia M Ash   
  Born: ABT 1895 - Stoke, Damerel, England
  Died: -
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Family Group


Charles Edward Riddiford     
  Born: 1877 - Hokitika Area
  Marr: 1898 -
  Died: 2 JAN 1953 - Wairoa Hospital, Wairoa
Father: Arthur William Riddiford
Mother: Sarah Ann Young
Other Spouses:

Alice Cordelia Penrose   
  Born: 1881 - Ahaura, Nelson Area
  Died: 3 NOV 1968 - Wairoa
Other Spouses:

1. Annie Matilda Alice Riddiford   
  Born: 1899 - Ahaura, Nelson Area
  Marr: 1916 - Simon John Thomas Ash
  Died: 22 JUL 1962 - Blackball 2. William John Edward Known As Bill Riddiford   
  Born: 4 APR 1901 - Ahaura Area
  Marr: 1921 - Frances Ethel Tait
  Died: ABT 1993 - 3. Agnes Cordelia Known As Dolly Riddiford 
  Born: -
  Marr: - William John Sutherland (other spouses)
  Died: - 4. Charles Alexander Riddiford 
  Born: -
  Marr: - Olive May Butler
  Died: - 5. Sarah Meikle May Riddiford   
  Born: 1916 - Blackball Area
  Marr: 1936 - Thomas Richard Kane
  Died: 9 OCT 1998 - 6. Rose Constance Bertha Riddiford   
  Born: 1920 - Gisborne Area
  Marr: - Alfred Ernest Pine
  Died: 18 DEC 2002 - 7. Rivena Rita Known As Rene Riddiford   
  Born: 24 FEB 1922 - Gisborne
  Marr: - Phillip Walter Webby
  Died: 16 SEP 1983 -
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Family Group


Frederick Bela Known As Fred Graham Or Govsky     
  Born: 1882 - Gloucester, England
  Marr: 18 JUL 1907 - Registry Office, West Ham, England
  Died: 21 JAN 1969 - Coronation Hospital, Cashmere
Father: Bela Graham Or Govsky Or Gablikowsky
Mother: Anna Graham? Rausch
Other Spouses: Lavinia Eva Ester Jauncey

Nellie Adeline Baldock   
  Born: 1885 - Edmondton, England
  Died: -
Father: Alfred James Baldock
Mother: Georgina Carlielle
Other Spouses: William Watson Dickinson

1. Cyril Edgar Graham   
  Born: 28 AUG 1911 - Grimsby, England
  Marr: - Alice Mary Blanche Known As Blanche Ash
  Died: 1 JUN 1987 - Hastings Memorial Hospital, Hastings
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