Family Group


George Mathew Snelson     
  Born: ABT 1837 - Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire, England
  Marr: 6 JUL 1865 -
  Died: 31 OCT 1901 -
Other Spouses:

Louisa Matilda Buck   
  Born: 29 JAN 1844 - Wellington
  Died: 14 DEC 1919 - Wanganui
Father: Henry Gregory Buck
Mother: Elizabeth Frances Cooz
Other Spouses:

1. Frances Mary Halford Snelson   
  Born: ABT 1866 -
  Died: ABT 1867 - 2. George James Helford Snelson   
  Born: ABT 1868 -
  Died: ABT 1871 -
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Family Group


Jacob Janes   
  Born: -
  Marr: -
  Died: -
Other Spouses:

Rachel Buck   
  Born: 27 MAR 1812 - Somerset, England
  Died: -
Father: Robert Buck
Mother: Alice Gregory
Other Spouses:

1. John James   
  Born: 11 SEP 1836 -
  Died: - 2. Louisa Janes   
  Born: 21 JUN 1839 -
  Died: -
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Family Group


Robert Buck   
  Born: 10 SEP 1814 - Somerset, England
  Marr: -
  Died: -
Father: Robert Buck
Mother: Alice Gregory
Other Spouses:

Catherine Seager Or Seadger   
  Born: -
  Died: -
Other Spouses:

1. Alice? Buck   
  Born: ABT 21 FEB 1837 -
  Died: - 2. John Buck   
  Born: 15 AUG 1833 -
  Died: - 3. Alice Buck   
  Born: 21 FEB 1835 -
  Died: - 4. Leah Buck   
  Born: 1 MAR 1839 -
  Died: - 5. James Buck   
  Born: 29 OCT 1850 -
  Died: 25 APR 1851 -
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Family Group


Thomas Gregory Buck     
  Born: 28 APR 1823 - Somerset, England
  Marr: 1859 -
  Died: 1896 -
Father: Robert Buck
Mother: Alice Gregory
Other Spouses:

Phoebe Stinton   
  Born: 1839 -
  Died: 1913 -
Other Spouses:

1. George Gregory Buck   
  Born: 1859 -
  Died: 1881 - 2. Alice Sarah Buck   
  Born: 1861 -
  Marr: - George McKinley
  Died: - 3. Charlotte Zebra Buck   
  Born: 1863 -
  Marr: 1889 - James Leonard
  Died: - 4. Robert Henry Buck   
  Born: 1865 -
  Died: - 5. Leah Gregory Buck   
  Born: 1868 -
  Marr: 1892 - Charles Hunter Allmark
  Died: - 6. Phoebe Louisa Buck   
  Born: 1870 -
  Marr: 1903 - James Lindsay
  Died: - 7. Kate Gregory Buck   
  Born: 1872 -
  Died: 1880 - 8. Thomas James Gregory Buck   
  Born: 1875 -
  Marr: 1902 - Ethel May Timms (other spouses)
  Died: - 9. Thurza Mary Stanley Buck   
  Born: 1877 -
  Marr: 1906 - Thomas Beavis
  Died: - 10. Kate Gregory Buck   
  Born: 1881 -
  Died: 1882 -
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Family Group


James Gregory Buck     
  Born: 23 AUG 1828 - Somerset, England
  Marr: 9 SEP 1852 -
  Died: 22 APR 1900 - Lower Hutt
Father: Robert Buck
Mother: Alice Gregory
Other Spouses:

Mary Ann Chivers   
  Born: ABT 1832 -
  Died: 10 FEB 1907 - Main Road, Lower Hutt
Other Spouses:

1. Henry Alfred Buck   
  Born: 7 JAN 1856 - Lower Hutt
  Died: 19 NOV 1919 - 2. Emily Jane Buck   
  Born: 14 FEB 1858 - Lower Hutt
  Marr: 1878 - James Alexander Lyttle
  Died: 13 MAY 1942 - Wellington Area, New Zealand 3. Mary Ann Buck   
  Born: 24 DEC 1859 - Wellington Area, New Zealand
  Marr: 1878 - Christian Martin Known As John Sorensen
  Died: 14 AUG 1926 - Himatangi, New Zealand 4. Edith Annie Buck   
  Born: 21 FEB 1861 - Lower Hutt
  Marr: 1879 - Robert Roderick Dunn
  Died: - 5. William Gregory Buck   
  Born: 13 OCT 1863 - Lower Hutt
  Died: 20 APR 1926 - At His Residence, King's Road, Lower Hutt 6. Minnie Kate Buck   
  Born: 12 DEC 1865 - Lower Hutt
  Died: 17 JUN 1950 - At The Resident's Of Her Nephew, Mr F. J. T. Wood, 494 Church Street, Palmerston North 7. James Frederick Buck   
  Born: 1 AUG 1868 - Lower Hutt
  Marr: 1905 - Lilla Lucy Sage
  Died: 14 JUN 1941 - Wellington Hospital, Wellington 8. Linetta Alice Buck   
  Born: 19 JAN 1872 - Lower Hutt
  Marr: 1904 - William Albert Wood
  Died: 15 MAY 1944 - At Her Residence, 494 Church Street, Palmerston North
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