Family Group


Raimando Salvatore L Known As Raymond Di Leva
  Born: -
  Marr: -
  Died: -
Other Spouses:

Debra Ann McNally
  Born: -
  Died: -
Father: Living McNally
Mother: Rosalia Maria Teresa Persico
Other Spouses:

1. Michael Raimando Di Leva 
  Born: -
  Died: - 2. Danielle Rosalia Di Leva 
  Born: -
  Died: -
Generated  Mar 25, 2010 
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Family Group


Living McNally
  Born: -
  Marr: -
  Died: -
Father: Charles Phillip Kevin Known As Mac McNally
Mother: Doreen June Known As June Campbell
Other Spouses: Living Steel Living Lynch

Rosalia Maria Teresa Persico   
  Born: 22 JUN 1943 - Wellington Area
  Died: 2 JAN 2002 - Wellington Public Hospital, Riddiford Street, Newtown, Wellington
Father: Mariano Persico
Mother: Mary Ann Donnelly Or McGaughey
Other Spouses: Unknown Unknown

1. Stephen Pearse McNally 
  Born: -
  Died: - 2. Debra Ann McNally    
  Born: -
  Marr: - Raimando Salvatore L Known As Raymond Di Leva
  Died: -
Generated  Mar 25, 2010 
GEDCOM to HTML by GedHTree V2.60 © 1999-2007

Family Group


Living McNally
  Born: -
  Marr: -
  Died: -
Father: Charles Phillip Kevin Known As Mac McNally
Mother: Doreen June Known As June Campbell
Other Spouses: Rosalia Maria Teresa Persico Living Lynch

Living Steel
  Born: -
  Died: -
Other Spouses:

1. Living McNally 
  Born: -
  Died: - 2. Living McNally 
  Born: -
  Died: - 3. Living McNally 
  Born: -
  Died: -
Generated  Mar 25, 2010 
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Family Group


Charles Phillip Kevin Known As Mac McNally     
  Born: ABT 14 JAN 1919 - Belfast, Northern Ireland
  Marr: 18 SEP 1940 - Registrar's Office, Christchurch
  Died: 14 JUL 2001 - Christchurch Hospital
Father: Joseph Francis McNally
Mother: Sarah Jane McGuiness
Other Spouses: Lorna Blanche Unknown

Doreen June Known As June Campbell   
  Born: 2 SEP 1922 - Sydenham, Christchurch
  Died: 15 OCT 2005 - Hawkes Bay Regional Hospital, Hastings
Father: Parr Campbell
Mother: Florence Mary Kilpatrick
Other Spouses: Robert Known As Bob Hunter

1. Living McNally    
  Born: -
  Marr: - Rosalia Maria Teresa Persico (other spouses)
  Died: - 2. Maureen Barbara McNally 
  Born: -
  Marr: - Bent Madsen
  Died: - 3. Lorraine June McNally 
  Born: -
  Marr: - Phillip Sullivan
  Died: - 4. Phillip James McNally   
  Born: 1945 - Wellington Area
  Marr: - Ruth Elizabeth Greig
  Died: 28 NOV 1973 - 5. John Paul McNally 
  Born: -
  Marr: - Lois Mere Temaari
  Died: - 6. Lyle Francis McNally 
  Born: -
  Died: - 7. Geraldine Anne McNally 
  Born: -
  Marr: - Ronald Howard Sinclair
  Died: -
Generated  Mar 25, 2010 
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