Individual Notes
Note for: Roy Edward Percival Johns, 1906 - 17 APR 1987
Burial: Place: Cremated At New Plymouth And Ashes Scattered
Individual Note: Name from Clarence(Clarrie) Johns
*Birth Details Date: 1906, Folio No: 5094, Area: Wellington, December quarter*
*Marriage Details Date: 1932, Folio No: 1778*
1967 New Plymouth Main Roll shows Johns, Roy E.P, 30 Bonithon Ave, Waterside Worker
New Plymouth District Council Records show Roy Edward Percival Johns, Date of Death: 17/4/1987, Date of Cremation: 21/4/1987, Aged: 80 years, Address: 30 Bonithon Ave, New Plymouth, Occ: Retired, Cremated and Scattered Garden of Remembrance, Funeral Director: W Abraham Ltd, 374 Devon Street East, New Plymouth
The Taranaki Herald 18th April 1987 shows
John Roy Edward Percival - At Taranaki Base Hospital on Friday, April 17, 1987. Dearly loved husband and pal of May. Loved and respected father of Graeme and Pam. Loved granddad of Debbie and Susan. Loved brother Horrie. Messages to 30 Bonithon Avenue, New Plymouth. In lieu of flowers a donation to the CT Scanner Appeal would be appreciated and acknowledged and may be left in the chapel. Friends are invited to attend a service at the Taranaki Crematorium Chapel, on Tuesday, April 21, 1987, at 1.30pm.
W. Abraham Ltd FDANZ
Individual Notes
Note for: Horace Eden Known As Horrie Johns, 1918 - 20 JAN 2007
Burial: Place: Cremated At New Plymouth Cemetery
Individual Note: Name from Clarence(Clarrie) Johns
Clarence (Clarrie) Johns remembers him playing full back for Taranaki, was probably close to All Black status
*Birth Details Date: 1918, Folio No: 878, Area: Wellington, March quarter*
*Marriage Details Date: 1948, Folio No: 13083*
1967 New Plymouth Main Roll shows Johns, Horace Eden, 127 Pioneer Rd, Cordial Worker
2004 New Plymouth Main Roll shows Johns Horace Eden, 42 South Road, New Plymouth, Retired
New Plymouth District Council Records show Horace Eden (Horrie) Johns, Date of Death: 24/1/2007, Date of Cremation: 29/1/2007, Aged: Not Listed, Address: Not Listed, Occ: Not Listed, Cremated, Funeral Director: W Abraham Ltd, 374 Devon Street East, New Plymouth
Individual Notes
Note for: William John Haines, 1854 - 8 SEP 1931
Burial: Date: 10 SEP 1931
Place: Karori Cemetery
Individual Note: Some details from article on Mitchelltown
Place of Birth from L Lake
*Marriage Folio No: 1876, Folio No: 2372*
Had Haines Terrace, in Aro Valley (Mitchelltown), named after him (To find Haines Terrace get to Aro Street, then turn into Holloway Road, which is the last street on the left at the base of the Valley, and then Haines Terrace is the 1st Street on the left off Holloway Road)
The Evening Post 10th November 1880 shows
Resident Magistrate's Court.
This Day.
(Before the Hon. C. J. Pharazyn and Dr. Diver, J.P.'s.)
Rival Butchers.
John Thomas Follis, butcher, was charged with assaulting William J. Haines, butcher, at Mitchelltown on Saturday last. Mr. Hutchison for complainant, and Mr. Bell for defendant. The complainant, it appeared, is employed by Mr. Gear, and the defendant by Messrs J. and H. Barber, and both are in the habit of hawking meat round the suburbs. Naturally, a good deal of rivalry existed between the parties, whose feelings culminated in an altercation on the public road on Saturday afternoon, the one accusing the other of having endeavoured to take away his customers. The Bench were of opinion that the spirit of rivalry ought not to be carried too far, and fined defendant 10 shillings and costs.
... continued
The Evening Post 11th January 1882 shows
William John Haines and Alfred G. Haines having left my employ, I beg to inform my customers that the above named are no longer authorised to collect or receive monies on my behalf.
James Gear
The Evening Post 16th November 1883 shows
For Sale, a well bred Cow, newly calved with calf at side; second calf; quite quiet; price 4 pounds 10 shillings. W. J. Haines, Butcher, Mitcheltown (sic), Pollhill Gully
The Evening Post 11th October 1884 shows
Wanted, a Lad, about 14 or 15, to ride or drive, and willing to make himself useful. Apply anytime after 7 p.m. to Mr Haines, butcher, Mitcheltown
The Evening Post 11th August 1885 shows
To Let, a compact Cottage, containing four rooms and scullery, with bay windows, fitted with Leamington range and grate; rent 10 shillings per week. Apply W. J. Haines, Butcher, Mitchelltown
The Evening Post 21 August 1885 shows
A butcher's cart and horse came to grief last evening owing to the Culpable pranks of some boys. The cart, which had the wheel chained, was left for a few minutes by its driver near the Willis street corner of Webb street. Before he went away he spoke to some boys who were setting off crackers close by and cautioned them not to frighten his horse. He had hardly turned his back, however, when one mischievous young urchin exploded a cracker almost under the animal. The result was that the horse bolted in the direction of Polhill Gully, and the cart was capsized. When the animal was recaptured one of his legs was found to be badly out, and both harness and cart were seriously damaged.
The Evening Post 11th December 1885 shows
Supposed Strike of a Reef at Mitchelltown.
Messrs. Biddle Bros., of Mitchelltown, have struck what they believe to be a goldbearing reef. Mr. Henry Biddle some time ago took a contract from Mr. W. J. Haines, butcher, of Mitchelltown, to sink a well for a force pump on the top of a ridge on some freehold ground owned by him on the range to the south side of Mitchelltown. They put down a shaft five feet in diameter, and after going through the ordinary rotten stone for a distance of 40ft, they came on some white powdery stuff, into which the pick was driven up to the head. This proved to be the casing of an exceedingly hard stone, somewhat resembling ironstone, but intersected with bluish-looking quartz, which was so hard as to destroy the picks' points after a few strokes. The Biddles state the seam they struck is a double one, and the stone stands up like an arch, the stone going down in either direction. The stone appeared so "likely" that the men brought a small quantity to the surface, where they distinctly saw some specks of gold. The Biddles on Monday but forwarded a kitful of the stone to Dr. Hector for analysis, but unfortunately for them, and for the colony at large, that gentleman's report is not sufficiently satisfactory to warrant the prosecution of the supposed reef. Dr. Hector is of opinion that the stone referred to is non-auriferous. The Biddles have worked on the Queensland goldfield, and therefore their opinion may be regarded as carrying with it some weight. One of the brothers has worked at quartz mining in Queensland, and he expresses himself as being sanguine that if a working shaft was put down near the well hole a defined reef would be struck. In the face of Dr. Hector's report, however, it is doubtful whether the search will be prosecuted. The well-shaft has been visited by a number of persons during the past few days, and amongst others by a Mr. Hellyer, an old Bendigo reefer, who, Mr. Biddle assures us, thinks highly of the stone. Some specimens were shown to our reporter to-day by Mr. Biddle, and certainly some of the stone showed specks of very fine gold.
The Evening Post 22nd March 1886 shows
Tenders will be received to Thursday, 25th March, for Falling 80 Acres of Bush (more or less), Sections No. 333 and 334, Upper Belmont, for
W. J. Haines,
Holloway road, Mitchelltown
The Evening Pot 16th August 1886 shows
Bush Contract.
Tenders for Falling Bush, Upper Belmont, section 334 and 335, adjoining Mr. Frances, from 20 to 60 acres. Apply (any time after 7 p.m.) W. J. Haines, Butcher, Mitchelltown
The Evening Post 20th August 1886 shows
Tenders wanted for Bush felling at Belmont. Tenders close on Tuesday, 24th. Apply
W. J. Haines,
Butcher, Wadestown
The Evening Post 7th January 1887 shows
Notice to Owners, Agents or Lessees of land situated at Upper Belmont, Hutt District, Wellington, to clear and fence boundary line between sections from 333 to 336, also clear boundary lines abounding 431, one chain wide.
W. J. Haines,
Butcher, Mitchelltown
The Evening Post 16th April 1887 shows
Tenders Wanted for Falling and Underscrubbing 63 acres bush at Belmont, Hutt. Specifications to be seen at W. J. Haines, butcher, Polhill Gully, Wellington, any time after 6 p.m.
The Evening Post 13th January 1888 shows
Magistrate's Court.
This Day.
(Before Mr H. S. Wardell, R.M.)
Wandering Cattle.
William J. Haines did not appear to answer a charge of having allowed two bullocks and one cow to wander in the public street at Pauatahanui on the 22nd December. Fined 5 shillings and costs
... continued
The Evening Post 6th February 1888 shows
The Fatal Burning Accident at Mitcheltown.
A Coroner's enquiry into the circumstances attending the death of the child Hilda Ross, who died from the effects of severe burns received on Saturday morning, was held at the Hospital at 9 o'clock this morning, before Dr. Johnson (District Coroner) and a jury of six, of whom Mr. William Richards was chosen foreman. Elizabeth Ross, mother of the deceased, deposed that she lived with her husband at Mitcheltown (sic). She left her house about 8 o'clock on Saturday morning, for the purpose of borrowing a loaf of bread, as there was none in the house. She left her baby, six months old, lying in a cradle near the fire, and her little daughter Hilda, who was two years and 6 months old, was left in charge. Witness went to a neighbour's house, and was not away more than five minutes. When she returned she found one side of the cradle — the side farthest from the fire — in flames. She took the baby out, and found it was not harmed. She then called to her little daughter Hilda, and the child came running from the bedroom with her clothes all in flames. Witness called for assistance, and some neighbours came in and helped her. Medical assistance was sent for, and the child was taken to the Hospital as speedily as possible, where it died soon after admission. Witness was inclined to think the child had been playing with the fire, because the cradle on the further side from the fire was alight when she returned from her neighbour's, as if the flames had been communicated. No matches had been left within reach, so the child could not possibly have got hold of any. Elizabeth Darrall, a neighbour, deposed to hearing Mrs. Ross calling for assistance shortly after 8 o'clock on Saturday morning. Witness ran into the house, and saw the little girl all in flames. The child was wrapped in blankets and taken to the Hospital. Mr. Haines, butcher, also came running in, and threw a quantity of water on the bedding in Mrs. Ross' bedroom, which was all in flames. The child came out of this room, so witness supposed the bedclothes had caught from the child's clothes.
Similar evidence to the above was given by Mrs. Selina Beddell.
Dr. Hassell, Resident Surgeon at the Wellington Hospital, deposed that the child when brought to the Hospital was suffering from burns all over the body, the foot alone escaping. The burns were of so serious a character that the case was hopeless. The child died about 10 o'clock from a shock to the whole system, caused by the very extensive burns. The Coroner remarked that the sad occurrence was evidently the result of an accident, and he was perfectly satisfied that there was no carelessness on the part of the mother. The jury, without retiring, returned a verdict of " Accidental Death."
The Evening Post 14th June 1888 shows
Wanted Known, that W. J. Haines has four and five roomed Cottages to let; every convenience, good drainage, five minutes' walk from Willis street, from 7 shillings to 9 shillings per week; also, on lease, three acres Paddock. Apply to W. J. Haines, Butcher, Holloway road, Mitchelltown
The Evening Post 10th May 1889 shows
Wanted Known - I have one five roomed Cottage and Stables to let, rent 8 shillings per week with or without stable; also, to let on lease, a Farm of 342 acres, stock at valuation. For Sale, Cow and Heifers, springing and calved: guaranteed to be good. Apply sharp, W. J. Haines, Butcher, Mitchelltown
The Evening Post 18th April 1890 shows
The following report of the Public Works Committee will be submitted at the next meeting of the Melrose Borough Council:-
The committee beg to recommend -
1. That the offer of Mr. W. J. Haines to remove his cottage at Mitchelltown, give the land required for widening the road, construct culvert and others works, for the sum of 35 pounds, be accepted in terms of his letter.
2. That the offer of Mr. Haines to collect dog tax be declined.
The Evening Post 28th May 1890 shows
Tenders for Building Chimney in Mitchelltown close on Friday Evening.
W. J. Haines,
Butcher, Mitchelltown
The Evening Post 16th March 1892 shows
For Sale, a bay Gelding, 15 hands, five years old; staunch; a trial given; fit for an express or light spring dray. Price low, must be sold, no further use. W. J. Haines, butcher, Mitchelltown
1893 Electoral Roll shows Haines William John, Number: 1312, Electorate: Wellington Suburbs, Voting Qualification: Residential, Residential Address: Mitchelltown, Occ: Butcher
The Evening Post 8th February 1894 shows
Wanted, Tenders for removing and rebuilding a four roomed cottage. Apply W. J. Haines, Butcher, Mitchelltown
The Evening Post 16th June 1894 shows
Wanted Known, that W. J. Haines has a four roomed Cottage (scullery and shed, very large rooms) to Let; rent 8 shillings per week. W. J. Haines, Butcher, Mitchelltown
The Evening Post 21st January 1895 show
For Sale, a Bright Chestnut Mare, guaranteed staunch and quiet; would suit lady to drive or ride; also a Polo Pony, very quiet; a reversible Side saddle, fit girl or boy; price low. W. J. Haines, Mitchelltown
The Evening Post 31st October 1895 shows
Wanted, Tenders for Excavating. Apply Mr. W. J. Haines, Mitchelltown
The Evening Post 29th October 1897 shows
To Let, a five roomed Cottage, three fireplaces and large scullery; rent, 10 shillings. Apply W. J. Haines, Holloway road, Mitchelltown
The Evening Post 5th March 1902 shows
The Alleged Nuisance at Mitchelltown.
After we went to press yesterday the proceedings in the case against William John Haines, charged on two information's with having permitted a nuisance on his pig and poultry farm at Mitchelltown, was continued. Defendant described the destructor that he used, and said its fire was never out. When the wind was favourable, so as to cause a draught, the contents burned quickly; at other times, they smouldered. There was no nuisance, and no offensive smell. The pigs were re-bedded every day, and the contents of the styes were burned in the destructor.
To Mr. Jellicoe — The question of money would not stop him from improving the arrangements in any way that might be shown to be necessary. He had been persecuted by having people poking about his land. He was wanted, to cut up the property instead of using it as he did.
Mr. Young stated that the proceedings had been brought under the Public Health and Municipal Corporations Acts, because an effort to quash in the Supreme Court the Melrose Borough by-law (prohibiting the keeping of pigs) was pending.
The Magistrate considered that the Council should secure a conviction under the by-law to expedite the testing.
The witness said he did not know that during the last plague scare 67 rats were caught on his land on one day. There were few rats.
Charles Carter stated that though he worked as a drainman, he considered he could detect any "extraordinary" smell. He had worked at Haines's, and noticed no smell.
Charles Edwards and James Eltham gave evidence in support. The latter stated he was living, on defendant's land, and had found living for himself and family healthier there than in the city. The styes were 200 ft from his house, and the destructor 300 ft. Several other witnesses, living in the vicinity, gave corroborative evidence. At this stage the case was adjourned till Friday, the Magistrate stating that he would visit the property.
The Evening Post 7th March 1902 shows
Judgment was given to-day by Mr Haselden, S.M., in the case brought by the Melrose Borough Council against William John Haines, pig and poultry farmer, of Mitchelltown, for breach of the Melrose borough bylaw 46, making it an offence to allow, offensive matter to accumulate so as to be injurious and dangerous to health, and so as to cause an offensive smell. The borough has also a bylaw prohibiting the keeping of pigs, but it was stated during the proceedings at the hearing on Monday that the by law was to be tested in the Supreme Court. His Worship, who had personally inspected defendant's premises, described the so-called destructor as an open fire pit made on the principle of a camp kitchen. He had found it giving off most offensive fumes, the heavy smoke of which lay over the street, and the position appeared to him to be in the case of residents a choice between the smell of decomposing refuse and that of burning, decomposing refuse. Defendant was, convicted of suffering offensive matter to accumulate so as to cause an offensive smell, and a fine of 40 shillings, with 28 shillings costs, was imposed.
The Evening Post 13th March 1903 shows
Wanted to Sell, five first class Sows and a pure bred Boar (selected stock), sow to farrow early. Apply sharp, W. J. Haines, Mitchelltown
The Evening Post 17th June 1905 shows
To Let, a six roomed House and scullery, bathroom, copper, washtubs; all conveniences; new house, sunny aspect; five minutes Aro street, rent 16 shillings. W. J. Haines, Poultry Farm, Mitchelltown
The Evening Post 4th November 1905 shows
Wanted, Tender for Building a Shop in Mitchelltown, labour only. Plans and specifications to be seen at W. Haines, Butcher, Mitchelltown. Tenders close Wednesday, 8th November
The Evening Post 12th December 1905 shows
Wanted, two Carpenters. Apply W. Haines, Mitchelltown, Butcher's shop
The Evening Post 20th January 1906
WANTED, the Syndicate that purchased Mr. Druid's property at Belmont to communicate with Mr. W. J. Haines, of Mitchelltown. Business important. Re roads
The Evening Post 20th April 1906 shows
Application having been made to me for the issue of two provisional certificates of title in the name of William John Haines, of Wellington, Butcher, for Section 431, Hutt District, being the land comprised in certificates of titles, Vol. 29, folios 241 and 242, and evidence having been lodged of the loss of the said certificates of title, I hereby give notice that I will issue the provisional certificates of title as requested unless caveat be lodged forbidding the same on or before the 26th day of April, 1906.
Dated this 11th day of April, 1906, at the Lands Registry Office, Wellington.
J. M. Batham,
District Land Registrar.
The Evening Post 18th December 1907 shows
Wanted to Sell, fat Geese, 6 shillings each; Fowls 6 shillings pair, delivered live or dead. Send Postcard Haines, Sen., Mitchelltown
The Evening Post 7th January 1908 shows
Wanted, a Boy, about sixteen years, for Shop. Apply W. Haines, Butcher, Mitchelltown
The Evening Post 8th July 1909 shows
Wanted, a respectable young Girl for housework. Apply Haines, Butcher, Mitchelltown
The 11th September 1909 shows
Wanted to Sell, Geese Eggs, for setting; 4 shillings per dozen; also Incubator (120-egg); 40 shillings; guaranteed. Haines, Mitchelltown
1911 Wises shows William James? Haines, Poultry Farmer, Eton Road, Mitchelltown, Wellington
The Evening Post 15th January 1912 shows
Lost - Will the two men who found Hand Camera in Aro st. Shelter Shed, 3 p.m. Sunday, kindly return to Pritchard, care Haines, Butcher, Mitchelltown. Reward. Phone 83
1913 Wises shows William James? Haines, Poultry Farmer, Heaton Road, Mitchelltown, Wellington
The Evening Post 11th August 1914 shows
Wanted to Purchase, a staunch, quiet pony. Apply W. J. Haines, Mitchelltown
The Evening Post 26th June 1915 shows
Haines, Butcher, will Open his Old Shop again on Monday next, 28th June, at Mitchelltown.
Quality and Cleanliness as usual.
Customers waited on daily,
W. Haines,
NZ Gazette Entry Haines William John, Date: 1917, Place: Cambridge, Occ: Butcher, Source: NZ Gazette 1917, Page: 1917, Military Call Up
1918 Wises shows William James? Haines, Poultry Farmer, Carey Street, Mitchelltown, Wellington
*Death Details Date: 1931, Folio No: 2649, Area: Wellington, September quarter*
Probate Record shows Haines William John, Place: Wellington, Occ: Settler, Court: Wellington, Archives Reference: AAOM 6029 49450/31, Probate No: 49450, Date Filed: 25/9/1931, Type: Will, Where: Archives NZ, Wellington
Karori Cemetery Record shows Name: Haines, William John, Date of Burial: 10/9/1931, Aged: 77, Occ: Com Traveller, Address: Carey St, Buried with L Charles Haines(father), Roy Haines(son), Frank Charles Haines(son), Amy E Ann Haines(grand daughter) and Sarah Ann Haines(wife)
The Evening Post 10th September 1931 shows
Haines - On the 8th September, 1931, at Lewisham Hospital, Wellington, William John, beloved husband of S. A. Haines, Mitchelltown; age 77
Dearly loved, sadly missed
Funeral Notice
The Friends of the late William John Haines are respectfully invited to attend his Funeral, which will leave the Mortuary Chapel of Robt. H. Wilson and Sons, Ltd., Tomorrow (Friday), 11th September, 1931, at 2.30 p.m, for the Karori Cemetery.
Robt. H. Wilson and Son, Lts., Undertakers, 164, Adelaide road, Phones: 24-155 and 10-781
Court Sir George Bowen,
No. 5084, A.O.F.
The Members of the above Court are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of the late William John Haines, which will leave the Mortuary Chapel of Robt. H. Wilson and Sons, Ltd., Tomorrow (Friday), 11th September, 1931, at 2.30 p.m, for the Karori Cemetery.
By Order of the C.R
Headstone Reads
In loving memory of
Charles Haines
Died Dec 14th 1895
Aged 78 years
Also little Roy
Died Dec 30th 1903
Aged 3 years
and Frank Charles
dearly beloved youngest son of
W.J & S.A Haines
died Oct 12th 1911
Aged 20 years
Also W.J Haines
died Sept 8th 1931
Aged 77 years
and his beloved wife
Sarah Ann Haines
died August 20th 1940
Aged 92 years
re united
God alone who thought it best
Did ease their pain and give them rest