Individual Notes
Note for: Margaret Lorraine Seldon Pike, 6 NOV 1918 - ABT 2004
Individual Note: 1st Name and Married Surname of Frethey from Mary Ann Pike's Death Notice
2nd and 3rd Names from Marriage Folio
*Birth Details Date Registered: 1919, Folio No: 559, Name: Margaret Lorraine Seldon Pike, Area: Waimate Plains, March quarter*
*Marriage Details Date: 1937, Folio No: 6273, Names: Frank Frethey and Margaret Lorraine Seldon Pike*
*Death Details Date: 2004, Registration No: 2004/9918, Date of Birth: 6/11/1918, Name: Margaret Lorraine Frethey*
Individual Notes
Note for: William Henry George Foster, ABT 1853 - 6 MAR 1914
Burial: Place: Wanganui General Cemetery
Individual Note: Name from Obituary
*Marriage Details Date: 1875, Folio No: 680, Names: William Henry George Forster (sic) and Sarah Johnston*
The Wanganui Chronicle 3rd April 1875 shows
Foster - Johnston - On the 31st March, at Christ Church, Wanganui, by the Rev. T. L. Tudor, William Henry George Foster, of Wanganui, to Sarah Johnston, daughter of Robert Johnston, Esq., of Ballymena, County Antrim, Ireland
The Wanganui Chronicle 7th March 1913 shows
Foster - On the 6th inst., at his residence, Ballymena Villa, Wilson St., William Henry George, beloved husband of S. Foster; aged 61 years
Funeral Notice
Friends are informed that the funeral will leave deceased's late residence at 3.45 p.m. on Sunday, for the Wanganui General Cemetery. - Purser and Son, Undertakers
Tongariro Lodge No. 705, E.C.
Brethren of the Tongariro Lodge are requested to attend the funeral of the late Brother W. H. G. Foster, P.M., leaving his late residence, Wilson St., tomorrow (Sunday), at 3.30 p.m.
By Order
St Andrew Kilwinning Lodge No. 79
The Brethren are asked to meet at the residence of the late Brother W. H. G. Foster, P.M., Wilson St., at 3.30 p.m. tomorrow (Sunday), for the purpose of attending his funeral. No regalia.
Brethren of other Lodges are invited to attend.
By Order of the W.M.
W. H. G. Foster
The announcement of the death of Mr W. H. G. Foster will be received with widespread regret, for, than mine host of Foster's Hotel there was no more popular man on this coast in the days gone by. For some 50 years Mr. Foster was a resident of Wanganui and ever a worthy citizen, rendering service in many ways to the business and social life of the town. Ably assisted by his wife, he raised the status of the Old Steam Package Hotel (now known as Foster's Hotel) to one of the best known and most popular hostelries in the Dominion. Seven years ago, Mr. J. R. Foster, eldest son of the deceased, took over the hotel, and he is in command to this day. Since 1907 that late Mr Foster had lived a retired life. Although the greater part of his time was occupied with business matters, Mr. W. H. G. Foster was a keen devotee of outdoor sport, and he was an active and successful rifle shot, oarsman, bowler and racing enthusiast, while as an amateur billiard player he had a few compeers in the early days.
The late Mr Foster had been 53 years in the Dominion, having arrived as a lad with his father (who was a soldier) from Bombay, in the troop-steamer Prince Arthur in 1861, and he came to Wanganui in the paddle-steamer Prince Alfred in 1864. Mr Foster whose mother is still alive, leaves a grown up family of four sons (Messrs. J. R., W. H. G. and A. F. Foster, of Wanganui, and P. J. Foster, of Wellington, and four daughters (Mesdames Cocks and W. Martin Innes and Misses Grace and Lulu Foster, all of Wanganui). The sympathy of a large circle of friends will be accorded to Mrs Foster, senr., Mrs W. H. G. Foster, and the bereaved family
Probate Record shows William Henry George Foster, Place: Wanganui, Occ: None Listed, Date of Death: 6/3/1914, Court: Wanganui, Archives Reference: AAOG W3559 19/14, Probate No: 19/14, Date Filed: 26/3/1914, Type: Will, Archives NZ, Wellington
Individual Notes
Note for: Michael Henry Fitzgibbon, ABT 1845 -
Individual Note: Name of M. H. Fitzgibbon of Westland from Maria Fitzgibbon's Death Notice
*Marriage Details Date: 1868, Folio No: 1467, Names: Michael Fitzgibbon and Maria McCarthey*
1881 Kumara Electoral Roll shows Michael Henry FitzGibbon (sic), Nature of Qualification: Freehold, Place of Residence: Waimea, Occ: Bootmaker, Situation of Property: Section No. 17, Waimea
Individual Notes
Note for: James Fitzgibbon, - 15 JAN 1937
Burial: Place: Karori Cemetery
Individual Note: Name and was a Clerk in Wellington circa 1918 from Michael Henry Fitzgibbon's Will Document
*Marriage Details Date: 1900, Folio No: 4954, Names: James Fitzgibbon and Elizabeth Toker*
1914 Wellington South Electoral Roll shows James Fitzgibbon, 11 Harper Street, Clerk
1919 Wellington South Electoral Roll shows James Fitzgibbon, 112 Owen Street, Hemp Grader
Karori Headstone reads
In loving memory of Elizabeth Fitzgibbon died March 1915
James Fitzgibbon died 15 Jan 1937