Individual Notes

Note for:   Jolette Louisa Horsman,   16 MAR 1889 - 1963         Index

Individual Note:
     Name, Date of Birth and Place and Year of Death and Place from M Bevan

Individual Notes

Note for:   James Roy,   ABT 1863 -          Index

Individual Note:
     Name and Year of Birth from

*Birth Details Date: 1863, Folio No: 541, Area: Dunedin, no quart listed, Name: James Roy*

Individual Notes

Note for:   John Robert Roy,   ABT 1865 - 12 FEB 1937         Index

     Date:   15 FEB 1937
     Place:   Clinton Cemetery, Otago

Individual Note:
     Name from Margaret Roy's Will Document

*Birth Details Date: 1865, Folio No: 595, Area: Dunedin, no quarter listed, Name: John Robert Roy*

*Marriage Details Date: 1891, Folio No: 3603, Names: John Robert Roy and Margaret Isabella McLean*

1893 Electoral Roll shows John Robert Roy, Number: 2912, Electorate: Clutha, Voting Qualification: Residential, Residential Address: Wairuna, Occupation: Farm laborer

Probate Record shows John Robert Roy, Place: Wairuna, Occ: Farmer, Court: Invercargill, Archives Reference: DAFG 9068 D328 43/37, Probate No: 43/37, Date Filed: 18/2/1937, Type: Will, Archives NZ, Dunedin

The Otago Daily Times 13th February 1937 shows
Roy - On February 12, 1937, at his residence, Clover Hill, Wairuna, John Robert, dearly beloved husband of Margaret Isabella Roy; in his seventy second year. "At rest after much suffering." Private interment by request
The Otago Daily Times 17th February 1937 shows
Country News
Mr J. R. Roy, who died at his residence at Wairuna on Friday at the age of 72, was the second son of the late James Roy, and was born in Dunedin in 1865. When he was a year old his family removed to Wairuna, where he had resided until his death. He was a highly successful farmer, and a great believer in liming and drainage, with the result that his property was brought to a high state of productivity. He took an active interest in the affairs of his district, and was one of those responsible for the reorganisation of the South Otago Freezing Company a few years ago. He married Margaret, only daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Alexander McLean, who survives him, together with a family of four. They are Mr J. A. Roy, M.P. for Clutha, and Mr John Roy (Wairuna), Misses Isa (Wairuna) and Ethel (Christchurch), Mr W. Roy, secretary of the South Otago Hospital Board, is a brother of deceased

Cemetery Fiche for Clinton Cemetery shows Burial Record No: 403
Block 17 Plot 22 - 23
John Robert Roy, Wairuna, Aged 72 years, Buried 15/2/1937

Individual Notes

Note for:   Isabella Roy,   ABT 1867 -          Index

Individual Note:
     Name and Year of Birth of 1868 and Place from

*Birth Details Date: 1867, Folio No: 1241, Area: Popotunoa, no quarter listed, Name: Isabella Roy*

1893 Electoral Roll shows Isabella Roy, Number: 2918, Electorate: Clutha, Voting Qualification: Residential, Residential Address: Wairuna, Occupation: Domestic

Individual Notes

Note for:   Alexander Roy,   ABT 1868 - 7 SEP 1943         Index

     Date:   9 SEP 1943
     Place:   Old Waimate Cemetery, Waimate

Individual Note:
     Name and lived in Waimate in 1920 from Margaret Roy's Will

Date of Death From Alexander's Will Document

*Birth Details Date: 1868, Folio No: 1309, Area: Popotunoa, no quarter listed, Name: Alexander Roy*

*Marriage Details Date: 1906, Folio No: 7410, Names: Alexander Roy and Annie Franscombe (sic)*

Waimate District Council Cemetery Records show Alexander Roy, Date of Death: 9/9/1943, Aged: 74, Cemetery: Old Waimate Cemetery, Area: Presbyterian, Plot: 619

Probate Record shows Alexander Roy, Place: Waituna, Occ: Retired Farmer, Court: Wellington, Archives Reference: AAOM 6030 11101, Probate No: 11101, Date Filed: 20/10/1943, Type: Will, Archives NZ, Wellington

Individual Notes

Note for:   Jane Roy,   ABT 1871 - 25 FEB 1947         Index

     Date:   27 FEB 1947
     Place:   Clinton Cemetery, Otago

Individual Note:
     Name from Margaret Roy's Will

Date of Death and Place of Burial from her Will Document

*Birth Details Date: 1871, Folio No: 1447, Area: Popotunoa, no quarter listed, Name: Jane Roy*

1893 Electoral Roll shows Jane Roy, Number: 2916, Electorate: Clutha, Voting Qualification: Residential, Residential Address: Wairuna, Occupation: Domestic

The Otago Daily Times 27th February 1947 shows
Roy - On February 25, 1947, at Dunedin, Jane Roy, of 40 Chambers street, North East Valley, dearly beloved third daughter of the late James and Margaret Roy, of Wairuna; aged 75 years. "With Christ, which is far better." - A service will be held in our Chapel, 326 George street, Today (Thursday), the 27th inst., at 10.45 a.m., the Funeral leaving immediately after for the Clinton Cemetery, passing through Clinton at about 2 p.m. - R McLean and Son, funeral directors

Probate Record shows Jane Roy, Place: Dunedin, Occ: Spinster, Court: Wellington, Archives Reference: AAOM 6031 904/47, Probate No: 904/47, Date Filed: 9/4/1947, Type: Intestate (Letters of Administration), Archives NZ, Wellington

Cemetery Fiche for Clinton Cemetery shows Burial Record No: 522
Block 7 Plot 2
Jane Roy, Dunedin, aged 75 years, daughter of the late James Roy, of Wairuna, Buried 27/2/1947
Plot owner J. Cruickshank, sister of the deceased