Individual Notes

Note for:   Florence Marion Austin,   ABT 1869 - 6 AUG 1905         Index

     Date:   9 AUG 1905
     Place:   Wakapuaka Cemetery, Nelson

Individual Note:
     Name from Scholefield Papers

*Marriage Details Date: 1895, Folio No: 325, Names: George Benjamin Levy and Florence Marion Austin*

Nelson City Council Records show Florence Marion Levy, Date of Death: 6/8/1905, Date of Burial: 7?/8/1905, Aged: 36 years, Cemetery Wakapuaka, Denomination: Church of England/Anglican, Burial, Block: 23, Plot: 23, Funeral Director: Others, Note: Funeral Director given in register as Bethwaite, Buried with Brenda Frances Levy

Probate Record shows Florence Marion Levy, Place: Nelson, Occ: Wife of George, Date of Death: 6/8/1905, Court: Nelson, Archives Reference: AAOO 17072 W5410 798, Probate No: 798, Date Filed: 31/8/1905, Type: Intestate (Letters of Administration), Archives NZ, Wellington

The Nelson Evening Mail 7th August 1905 shows
Levy - On 6th August, at her residence Mount street, Nelson, Marion, the dearly beloved wife of George Levy, Telegraph Department.
" My peace I give unto Thee."
The Nelson Evening Mail 8th August 1905 shows
Funeral Notice
The Friends of Mr G. Levy are respectfully informed that the Funeral of his late beloved Wife (Florence Marion) will leave his residence, Mount street, on Wednesday, the 9th inst., at Two o'clock.
Bethwaite & Ritchie, Undertakers
The Nelson Evening Mail 9th August 1905 shows
The funeral of the late Mrs George Levy took place this afternoon, the remains being followed to the New Cemetery by a large number. Among those attending were many of the Post and Telegraph officials, including Mr Stevens (Chief Postmaster) and Mr Seymour (Chief of the operating room). The Cable Bay staff was also represented. Both the Nelson and Cable Bay staffs also sent wreaths. To Mr Levy and family the greatest sympathy will be extended in their bereavement. Though only having been a short time in Nelson, whither Mr Levy was transferred from the Wellington Post Office on account of his wife's health, both Mr and Mrs Levy had made many friends

Individual Notes

Note for:   Ernest Thomas Levy,   5 AUG 1865 - 1 JUN 1866         Index

     Place:   Bolton Street Cemetery, Wellington

Individual Note:
     Name and Date of Birth and Year of Death from Scholefield Papers

The Evening Post 1st June 1866 shows
On the 1st June, Ernest, the infant son of Mr. S. Levy, Lambton Quay

Individual Notes

Note for:   Frederick Arthur Levy,   28 MAR 1867 - ABT 1903         Index

Individual Note:
     Name and Date of Birth and Year of Death of 1903 from Scholefield Papers.

Place of Death from S McKenzie

*Marriage Details Date: 1889, Folio No: 458, Names: Frederick Arthur Levy and Florence Eyles*

Individual Notes

Note for:   Florence Eyles,    -          Index

Individual Note:
     Name from Scholefield Papers

*Marriage Details Date: 1889, Folio No: 458, Names: Frederick Arthur Levy and Florence Eyles*

Individual Notes

Note for:   Edith Mary Levy,   22 JUL 1868 - 11 NOV 1879         Index

     Place:   Bolton Street Cemetery, Wellington

Individual Note:
     Name and Date of Birth and Year of Death from Scholefield Papers

Bolton Street Cemetery Records show Edith Mary Levy, Date: 11/11/1879, Cemetery: Public, Plot: 26.A, Note: Plot Disinterred, Buried with some of her siblings

The Evening Post 11th November 1879 shows
Levy - At her father's residence, Roxburgh street, Edith Mary, sixth daughter of Solomon Levy, aged 11 years

Individual Notes

Note for:   Ernest Harvey Levy,   4 AUG 1870 - 5 FEB 1888         Index

     Date:   7 FEB 1888
     Place:   Bolton Street Cemetery, Wellington

Individual Note:
     Name and Date of Birth and Year of Death from Scholefield Papers

Bolton Street Cemetery Records show Ernest Harvey Levy, Date: 7/2/1888, Cemetery: Public, Plot: 26.A, Note: Plot Disinterred, Buried with some of his siblings

The Evening Post 6th February 1888 shows
Levy - On Sunday, 5th February, 1888, at the residence of his mother, Roxburgh street, after a short and painful illness, Ernest Harvey, youngest son of the late Solomon Levy, aged 17 years. New Zealand papers please copy
Funeral Notice
The Friends of Mrs. Jane Levy are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of her late son, Ernest Harvey, which will leave her residence, Roxburgh street, tomorrow (Tuesday), 7th February, 1888, at 3 p.m.
Morris Bros., Undertakers, Taranaki street