Individual Notes
Note for: Margaret McGillivray, ABT 1841 - 15 JUL 1902
Burial: Date: 17 JUL 1902
Place: Bolton Street Cemetery, Wellington
Individual Note: Name from Marriage Folio
*Marriage Details Date: 1860, Folio No: 281, Names: Thomas Whitehouse and Margaret McGillivray*
Wellington Independent 20th July 1860 shows
Married - July 15th, at St. Peter's Church, Te Aro, by the Rev. A. Stock, M.A., Thomas Whitehouse, of Wellington, to Margaret, fourth daughter of James McGillvray, of Inverness, Scotland
1893 Electoral Roll shows Margaret Whitehouse, Electorate: City of Wellington, Residence: Taranaki Place, Occ: Married Woman
Bolton Street Cemetery Records show Margaret Whitehouse, Date of Burial: 15/7/1902, Cemetery: Public, Plot: 45.J
Probate Record shows Margaret Whitehouse, Place: Wellington, Occ: Married Woman, Date of Death: 15/7/1902, Court: Wellington, Archives Reference: AAOM 6029 7909, Probate No: 7909, Date Filed: 5/8/1902, Type: Will, Archives NZ, Wellington
The Evening Post 15th July 1902 shows
Whitehouse - On the 15th July, at Taranaki place, Margaret, beloved wife of Thomas Whitehouse, aged 61. No flowers
Funeral Notice
The Friends of Thomas Whitehouse are invited to attend the Funeral of his Wife, which is to leave his residence, 35, Dixon street, on Thursday, 17th instant, at 9 a.m., for the Cemetery, Sydney street.
J. & A. Wilson, Funeral Furnishers
We regret to announce the death of Mrs. Thomas Whitehouse, who for a great many years had been a resident of Wellington. The deceased lady under went an operation last week, and was progressing favourably until yesterday, when she suffered a relapse and died at 4 o'clock this morning. Mr Whitehouse and family will have the sympathy of many Wellington people in their bereavement
Individual Notes
Note for: Lewis Lewis, ABT 1808 - 16 JUN 1881
Burial: Date: 18 JUN 1881
Individual Note: Name, Year of Birth and Place and Year of Death and Place from F Lowe
*Marriage Details Date: 1863, Folio No: 587, Names: Lewis Lewis and Hester Hoskins*
*Death Details Date: 1881, Folio No: 628, Area: Wairau, June quarter, Name: Lewis Lewis*
The Marlborough Express 17th June 1881 shows
Lewis - On June 16, at Alfred street, Lewis Lewis, aged 64 years
The Late Mr L. L. Lewis - We greatly regret to learn of the death at five o'clock yesterday afternoon, of Mr L. L. Lewis, so long and well known in Blenheim and Picton. Mr Lewis came to Marlborough in 1860, and began running a coach between here and Picton as early as the following year, at which date the roads were as yet in an unformed condition. Nothing could have exceeded his kindness and attention to passengers. He had many a narrow escape from flood. Three different times, in crossing the approaches to the Opawa river when it was in a swollen state, he and the coach and all were washed down stream, and brought up each time by a willow standing in the stream, that was then called Lewis' Willow. On the third of these occasions he was only rescued by the cuorageous (sic) conduct of Mr Kissling, the Manager of the Bank of New Zealand, who swam out to him, and by putting a rope round the pole of the coach enabled it to be dragged ashore. Mr Lewis frequently made the journey to and fro twice in a day, until he finally gave up the road on the opening of the railway. During the whole time he had the Picton coach he carried on the dancing classes with which his name has been associated up to the time of his decease. He was generally known as a caterer at suppers, dances, and so forth, and will be missed by a large numbers of persons, both adults and juveniles. He leaves a family of seven children, for whom we are sorry to say there is no provision. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon
The Marlborough Express 20th June 1881 shows
The Funeral of the Late Mr L Lewis.
- The remains of the late Mr Lewis were interred last Saturday afternoon. The coffin was preceded to the grave by the Ven. Archdeacon Butt. Mr Lewis being a Jew, the Archdeacon did not read the English Church burial service, but confined himself to reading from the Psalms some of those beautiful passages having reference to the brief and troubled character of human life, and to offering up a short prayer for the restoration of Israel. Mr Lewis was always fond of flowers, and his three children each threw a bouquet into the grave at the conclusion of the simple ceremony. The age of the deceased was stated on the coffin-plate to be 67. R.I.P.
Individual Notes
Note for: Hester Hoskins, ABT 1842 - 5 NOV 1884
Burial: Place: Bolton Street Cemetery, Wellington
Individual Note: Name, Year of Birth and Place and Year of Death from F Lowe
*Marriage Details Date: 1863, Folio No: 587, Names: Lewis Lewis and Hester Hoskins*
Bolton Street Cemetery Records show Hester Lewis, Date: 5/11/1884, Cemetery: Church of England
The Evening Post 6th November 1884 shows
Lewis - On the 5th November, at Oxford Road, Wellington, Hester, relict of the late L. L. Lewis, of Blenheim, aged 43 years. Blenheim papers please copy
Could not locate Funeral Notice
The same Death Notice is in the Marlborough Express 11th November 1884