Individual Notes
Note for: William Whitehouse, 15 DEC 1839 - 29 MAR 1919
Individual Note: Name from Passenger List and Lived in Inglewood in 1891 from Charlotte Martha Whitehouse's Obituary
Date of Birth and Place and Date of Death and Place from M J Hislop's Notes
William Whitehouse arrived in New Zealand with his Parents and 3 Siblings on the Lord William Bentinck it sailed from London 8/1/1841 and arrived Wellington 19/5/1841
Names as on Passenger List
John Whitehouse, Aged: 39, Agricultural Labourer & Shepherd
Charlotte Whitehouse, Aged: 34
Joseph Whitehouse, Aged: 9
Thomas Whitehouse, Aged: 5
William Whitehouse, Aged: 3
John Whitehouse, Infant
*Marriage Details Date: 1874, Folio No: 2217, Names: William Whitehouse and Susan Jillett*
Individual Notes
Note for: Mary Jane Whitehouse, ABT 1842 - 25 APR 1916
Burial: Date: 26 APR 1916
Place: Porirua Cemetery, Porirua
Individual Note: Full Name from Marriage Folio
Married Name of Jillett from Charlotte Martha Whitehouse's Obituary
*Marriage Details Date: 1878, Folio No: 1073, Names: William Jillett and Mary Jane Whitehouse*
1893 Electoral Roll shows Mary Jane Jillett, Electorate: Suburbs of Wellington, Residence: Porirua, Occ: Domestic Duties
Porirua City Council Records show Mary Jane Jillett, Date of Death: Unknown, Date of Burial: 26/4/1916, Aged: 74 years, Cemetery: Porirua, Location: Church of England B Plot 33, Funeral Director: Wilson Funeral Home, P O Box 7123, Wellington
Probate Record shows Mary Jane Jillett, Place: Wellington, Occ: Widow, Date of Death: 25/4/1916, Court: Wellington, Archives Reference: AAOM 6029 19132, Probate No: 19132, Date Filed: 10/8/1916, Type: Intestate (Letters of Administration), Archives NZ, Wellington
The Evening Post 25th April 1916 shows
Jellett (sic) - On the 25th April, 1916, at her residence, 18, Roxburgh street, Mary Jane, widow, of the late William Jellett (sic), late of Titahi Bay; aged 74 years. Funeral tomorrow (Wednesday), 26th April, arriving at Porirua Cemetery at 3 p.m.
The Evening Post 26th April 1916
Another of Wellington's old settlers died early yesterday morning at No. 18, Roxburgh-street, in the person of Mrs. Mary Jane Jillett, widow of the late Mr. William Jillett, of Titahi Bay, where he followed farming pursuits. Mrs. Jillett was born in Wellington in the year 1842, and was probably one of the oldest of native-born Wellingtonians. She was a daughter of the late Mr. John Whitehouse, and was born here just after the arrival of her parents from the Old Country. She leaves two adult children Miss Beatrice Jillett and Mr Herbert Jillett, of Porirua, farmer.
Individual Notes
Note for: William Jillett, 22 DEC 1856 - 28 MAY 1903
Burial: Date: 30 MAY 1903
Place: Porirua Cemetery, Porirua
Individual Note: Worked for the Hutt County Council in 1891 from Charlotte Martha Whitehouse's Obituary
Date of Birth and Place from NZSG
*Birth Details Date Registered: 1857, Folio No: 58, Area: Wellington, No quarter listed, Name: William Jillett*
*Marriage Details Date: 1878, Folio No: 1073, Names: William Jillett and Mary Jane Whitehouse*
Porirua City Council Records show William Jillett, Date of Death: Unknown, Date of Burial: 30/5/1903, Aged: 45 years, Cemetery: Porirua, Location: Church of England B Plot 33, Funeral Director: Robert J Cotton & Sons Ltd, P O Box 5191, Palmerston North
Probate Record shows William Jillett, Place: Porirua, Occ: Sheep Farmer, Date of Death: 28/5/1903, Court: Wellington, Archives Reference: AAOM 6029 8365, Probate No: 8365, Date Filed: 9/6/1903, Type: Will, Archives NZ, Wellington
The Evening Post 28th May 1903 shows
Jillett - On the 28th May, at Ohau, William Jillett, of Titahi Bay, aged 45 years
Mr. William Jillett, of Titahi Bay, who had been ill for a considerable period, died at Ohau this morning. The deceased was the son of an early resident of Wellington, and was born in the Hutt Valley 46 years ago. The greater part of his life was spent in the Porirua district, where he owned a large portion of the Titahi Bay estate. He was a patron of the turf, and in addition to owning some racehorses, filled the office of Secretary of the Porirua Jockey Club for some years. He represented the Porirua Riding on the Hutt County Council for several terms, and proved himself a very useful member of that body. At the recent elections he obtained a seat on the Otaki Licensing Committee. He leaves a widow and family
The Evening Post 29th May 1903 shows
Funeral Notice
The Friends of Mrs. W. Jillett are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of her late husband, which will leave the residence of Mr. H. Eastwood, Porirua, on Sunday, 31st May, at 2.30, for the Cemetery, Porirua
F. Greer, Undertaker, Tawa Flat
The Evening Post 1st June 1903
The funeral of the late Mr. William Jillett, of Titahi Bay, took place on Saturday, and was largely attended. The interment was made in the Porirua Cemetery.
The Evening Post 31st August 1904
The Chief Justice was occupied this morning with a case stated between, on the one hand, Mary Jane Jillett, of Porirua, widow, and Herbert John Jillett, of Ohau. farmer (executors of the will of the late William Jillett, of Porirua, sheepfarmer), and, on the other side, the Commissioner of Stamps. Testator was a half-caste, and his children are by a white woman, his wife; part of, his estate in native land. The difficulty arose in deciding whether the beneficiaries are native or European; on their status and that of the land hinges the question of what duty is payable. The sum of £241 had already been paid on the whole estate, including the native land, under the Deceased Persons' Estates Duties Act 1881; the Commissioner claimed a further 10 per cent., on the value of the native land, under section 17 of the Stamp Duty Amendment Act 1885. The question for the Court was whether duty was payable under the last-mentioned Act. Mr. Beere, for the executors, contended that the devise under the will was not a "devise in fee" under the section; and he made the further submission that where the language of the statute was doubtful, it should be liberally construed in favour of the subject as compared with the Crown. He detailed the several Acts dealing with stamp duty and deceased persons' estates, and showed that under one of them a child of deceased would be a native, under another a European, and so on. Mr. Myers, for the Commissioner, replied on the points of law. The Court reserved judgment.
Hawera & Normanby Star 16/9/1904
Judgment was given by his Honor the Chief Justice on Wednesday morning in the appeal Mary Jane Jillett and Herbert John Jillett v. the Commissioner of Stamps. Plaintiffs are the wife (European) and son of the late Wm. Jillett (half-caste), and under deceased's will are trustees to convert his land and divide the proceeds among deceased's wife and children, as provided in the will. Section 17 of the Stamp Act, 1882, Amendment Act, 1885, provided that an additional duty of 10 per cent. be levied on every "conveyance on sale or devise in fee" of native land, "whereby the right to such land shall first vest in a person other than a native." His Honor said that deceased, being a half-caste, was a "native" under the Act mentioned, and that there is a "devise in fee" to persons (the trustees) who are not "natives" under the Act, but that it is not a "devise in fee whereby the right to the land vests" in the said trustees. The "right" to the land did not vest in the trustees. They could not have given a title to a purchaser without obtaining probate of the will from the Native Land Court. The transaction therefore did not come within the terms of the section. The appeal must be allowed with £10 10s costs. In the course of his judgment, his Honor remarked that the Court is concerned only with the interpretation of the statute, not with the possible harshness of a provision that if a native leaves his property to his children, and the mother is a European, the children have to pay, in addition to the ordinary duties payable by Europeans, a 10 per cent, duty beyond.