Individual Notes
Note for: Edward John Mallett, -
Individual Note: Name from A Dunn
*Marriage Details Date: 1921, Folio No: 9930*
Their is no Record for Edward Mallett on Napier City Council Cemetery Records
Individual Notes
Note for: Emily Catherine Isabella Snaddon, ABT 1904 - 18 MAR 1978
Burial: Place: Park Island Cemetery, Napier
Individual Note: Name, Year of Birth and Year of Death from A Dunn
*Marriage Details Date: 1926, Folio No: 2141, Names: John Francis Jackson and Emily Catherine Snaddon*
Napier City Council Records show Emily Catherine Jackson, Date of Death: 20/3/1978, Date of Interment: 20/3/1978, Occ: Widow, Aged: 73 years, Address: 24 Warwick Crescent, Cemetery: Park Island Cemetery, Area: Anglican, Section/Wall: Sec 33, Plot/Niche No: 27, Interment No: 1, Denomination: Anglican, Clergyman: Pywell, Funeral Director: Tong & Peryer Ltd
Headstone Inscription
Emily Catherine Jackson wife of Franck Jackson died 18th March 1978 aged 74 years
Individual Notes
Note for: John Francis Jackson, ABT 1890 - 3 DEC 1935
Burial: Place: Park Island Cemetery
Individual Note: Name, Year of Death and Place from A Dunn
*Marriage Details Date: 1926, Folio No: 2141, Names: John Francis Jackson and Emily Catherine Snaddon*
Napier City Council Records show John Francis Jackson, Date of Death: 3/12/1935, Date of Interment: 3/12/1935, Occ: Electrician, Aged: 45 years, Address: Shakespere Road, Cemetery: Park Island Cemetery, Area: Anglican, Section/Wall: Sec 33, Plot/Niche No: 27, Interment No: 2, Denomination: Anglican, Clergyman: Brierley, Funeral Director Note: Spriggs
Individual Notes
Note for: Amialia Eliza Snaddon, ABT 1900 - 21 OCT 1902
Individual Note: Name, Year of Birth and Place and Year of Death and Place from A Dunn
The Evening Post 22nd October 1902 shows
Accidents and Fatalities.
Poisoned with a Soap-Scent.
Further particulars of the poisoning of a child reported yesterday afternoon, show that the deceased was Alwina Eliza Snaddon, aged two years and nine months, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Snaddon, of No. 9, Elizabeth street. An inquest is being held as we go to press. The police information so far is to the effect that Thomas W. M. Greenslade, manufacturer of extract of soap, rents in Mr. Snaddon's premises a room, in which he has been keeping the constituents, including the soap material and oil of mirbane, the oil being used for scenting purposes. Mr. Greenslade has informed the police that he poured some oil of mirbane from a tin in his room into a jug, and after using it he left the jug on a copper in the washhouse, about 3ft from the ground. At 10.45 a.m. yesterday Mrs. Snaddon saw the deceased with the jug, and saw her throw it away. Asked if she had drunk out of it, the child replied yes. Shortly afterwards she became ill, and the mother took her at once to Dr. Young, who used every means in his power to nullify the effect of the poison, but she died at 1.35 p.m. Mr. Greenslade stated that he got the oil from a soap-works, and did not know it was poison.
Individual Notes
Note for: Frank Snaddon, ABT 1890 - 11 JUL 1916
Individual Note: Name, Year of Birth and Place and Date of Death from A Dunn
Individual Notes
Note for: Eliza Trudgeon, 6 AUG 1873 - 12 APR 1874
Individual Note: Name, Date of Birth and Place and Date of Death and Place from A Dunn
Individual Notes
Note for: Samuel Trudgeon, 17 MAY 1875 - ABT 1969
Individual Note: Name, Date of Birth and Place and Year of Death and Place from A Dunn
Probate Record shows Samuel Trudgeon, Place: Christchurch, Occ: Pensioner, Court: Christchurch, Archives Reference: CAHX CH171 1295/69, Probate No: 1295/69, Date Filed: 12/9/1969, Type: Will, Archives NZ, Christchurch