Individual Notes
Note for: Edwin Henry Logan, ABT 1860 - 3 JUN 1943
Burial: Date: 5 JUN 1943
Place: Geraldine Cemetery, Geraldine
Individual Note: Name and Year of Birth and Place from S Hobson
*Marriage Details Date: 1888, Folio No: 1619, Names: Edwin Henry Logan and Elizabeth Edith Maslin*
Probate Record shows Edwin Henry Logan, Place: Geraldine, Occ: Storekeeper, Court: Timaru, Archives Reference: CAHY CH145 5815, Probate No: 5815, Date Filed: 14/6/1943, Type: Will, Archives NZ, Christchurch
Timaru District Council Records show Edwin Henry Logan, Date of Death: 3/6/1943, Date of Interment: 3/6/1943?, Aged: 83, Husband of Elizabeth Edith Logan, Denomination: Methodist, Cemetery: Geraldine, Section: Methodist, Block: M, Plot: 123
The Timaru Herald 4th June 1943 shows
Logan - Passed away peacefully at his residence, Geraldine, on Thursday, June 3, 1943, in his 84th year. Edwin Henry Logan dearly beloved husband of Elizabeth Edith Logan and father of Ina, Bruce and Ken.
Logan - The funeral of the late Edwin Henry Logan will leave the residence, Talbot Street, Geraldine, at 2.30 p.m. on Saturday, June 5, for the Geraldine Cemetery. Short service at residence. Will friends please accept this intimation
Individual Notes
Note for: Thomas Sherratt, ABT 1852 - 5 DEC 1921
Burial: Date: 5 DEC 1921
Place: Geraldine Cemetery, Geraldine
Individual Note: Name from Marriage Folio
*Marriage Details Date: 1881, Folio No: 2917, Names: Thomas Sherratt and Eliza Ann Maslin*
From the Cyclopedia of New Zealand Canterbury edition Volume 3
Sherratt, Thomas, General Storekeeper, Talbot Street, Geraldine. Agent for the London and Lancashire Fire Insurance Company and for Zealandia Ranges. Mr. Sherratt, is the eldest son of the late Mr. Amos Sherratt, who is referred to elsewhere in this work. He was born at Coventry, England, in 1852, and came with his parents to New Zealand in 1863 by the "Captain Cook" to Lyttelton. Mr. Sherratt was educated in Christchurch at Christ's College, and was with his father for five years on the farm of "Rosedale," near Leeston. he was engaged in teaching at the South Road school for some time, but gave up the position through falling health. Eventually he removed to Geraldine, where he entered Mr. Maslin's store, as book-keeper. In the course of four years Mr. N. Dunlop purchased the business and Mr. Sherratt continued on with him as a general storekeeper. He is chairman of the Geraldine school committee and a member of the Town Board, and has held the positions for a number of years. Mr. Sherratt has for a number of years taken great interest in musical matters, and when the Geraldine Choral Society was in existence he was its conductor, and still taken conductorship at musical performances in the town. He is organist of the Presbyterian Church, and was bandmaster of the Geraldine Volunteer Band for seven years. Mr. Sherratt was married, in 1882, to a sister of Mr. W. S. Maslin, a very early settler in the district., and has three children
Probate Record shows Thomas Sherratt, Place: Geraldine, Occ: Storekeeper, Court: Timaru, Archives Reference: CAHY CH145 1854, Probate No: 1854, Date Filed: 17/1/1922, Type: Will, Archives NZ, Christchurch
Timaru District Council Records show Thomas Sherratt, Date of Death: 5/12/1921, Date of Interment: 5/12/1921?, Aged: 69, Husband of Annie, Cemetery: Geraldine Cemetery, Denomination: Presbyterian, Section: Presbyterian, Block: P, Plot: 34
The Timaru Herald 6th December 1921 shows
Sherratt - At his residence, Ferguson Street, Geraldine, Thomas, dearly loved husband of Annie Sherratt, aged 69 years. Deeply regretted. By request no mourning
Funeral Notice
The Funeral of the late Thomas Sherratt will leave his late residence, Ferguson Street, Geraldine, for the Geraldine Cemetery at 3.30 p.m., Today
Individual Notes
Note for: Mary Bethune, -
Individual Note: Name from S Hobson
*Marriage Details Date: 1876, Folio No: 988, Names: Caleb Jesse Maslin and Mary Bethune*
Individual Notes
Note for: Charles Alfred Price, 10 DEC 1902 - 1972
Individual Note: Name, Date of Birth and Place and Year of Death and Place from P Price
Individual Notes
Note for: John McPhee, 1861 - 1916
Individual Note: Name, Year of Birth and Place and Year of Death and Place from P Price