Individual Notes
Note for: William Stephen Maslin, ABT 1850 - 18 DEC 1929
Burial: Date: 20 DEC 1929
Place: Geraldine Cemetery
Individual Note: Name from Charlotte Maslin's Death Notice
*Marriage Details Date: 1873, Folio No: 1680*
The Temuka Leader 7th December 1901 shows
Garden Party at Geraldine
The annual garden party in connection with the Primitive Methodist Church, was held on Thursday afternoon in the beautiful grounds of Mr W. S. Maslin, Geraldine. The weather was delightfully fine, and there was a large attendance of visitors, including a goodly number from Temuka. Tea was served by the ladies of the congregation, under the wide spreading trees, on the lawn, opposite the house, Mesdames Kennington (2) (note wondering if name should be Bennington), Maslin, Logan, Crafar, Pizzey, and Sharp presiding at the tables, at the conclusion of which short and appropriate addresses were delivered by Messrs J. Huffey and G. Smart, expressive of the indebtedness of the company to the kindness of Mr and Mrs Maslin and family, who had spared no pains to make everything pleasant and agreeable to all present. Various games were participated in, both by old and young, and everybody appeared to be full of enjoyment and overflowing with hilarity. The group was photograph by Mr Dowzer, who visited the scene of festivity for the purpose. During the evening the circuit quarterly meeting was held in Mr Maslin's residence. There was a large representation of office bearers, from Geraldine and Temuka. The Rev. J. Sharp occupied the chair, and Mr E. Logan was chosen secretary. Increases in congregations, members, and finances were reported, and the churches, with their various branches of work, were considered to be a most prosperous condition. The painstaking and indefatigable circuit stewart, Mr J. Huffey, presented his report, which showed a considerable balance in hand. The year closed with a reduction of trust debt, viz. Temuka church 60 pounds, Geraldine parsonage 20 pounds. The Rev. J. Sharp, and Messrs J. Huffey and G. Preddy were the delegates elected to attend the Conference in Wellington in January next. Mrs Crafar was specially thanked for her assiduousness in collecting for the funds of the church. The Rev. C. E. Ward, of Christchurch, who is on tour through the Canterbury district, was associated with the meeting, and delivered a very timely address.
From the Cyclopedia of New Zealand Canterbury edition Volume 3
Mr. William Stephen Maslin, Geraldine, who represented the Rangitata electorate in Parliament from 1893-1898, was born at Brentford, Middlesex, England. He came to New Zealand with his parents in the ship "Maori," and landed at Lyttelton on the 21st July, 1858. Mr. Maslin, senior, went to Timaru in December of that year, and was followed by his family early in 1859. Mr. Maslin was in the timber and building trade, and was, therefore, connected with many of the early erections in Timaru. In 1861 the family removed to Geraldine, where Mr. Maslin, senior, opened a timber yard. Steam was not then applied in the district to cutting timber, and the supply was kept up by from six to eight pairs of hands sawyers. On the 21st June, 1864, Mr. Maslin, senior, was killed while bricking a well on his property and he left a family to two sons and three daughters. From that date Mr. W.S. Maslin, the eldest of the family, took charge of affairs; and when hand-sawing gave place to steam power, a large general store was added to the business. On the bush being cut out, storekeeping occupied Mr. Maslin's attention, until, in 1883, he sold out his business, which had grown to a large and prosperous one, to Mr. N. Dunlop. Mr. Maslin then continued his business as an auctioneer in Timaru and Geraldine. In 1892 he discontinued his auctioneering, but kept on the land and agency branch of the business. Mr. Maslin farms between five and six hundred acres of land, and commenced farming as early as 1860, when the ploughing was done by bullocks and a single-furrow plough. He grew the first crops in the now-famed grain growing district of Geraldine. In 1872 he was elected a member of the Geraldine school committee, on which he remained for many years, and was chairman for five consecutive years. In conjunction with Mr. Pierpoint he was one of the founders of the Geraldine Town District, and was a member of the Town Board for twelve years, until he entered politics. He was also a member of the licensing committee for many years. In 1893 he was elected a member of the House of Representatives, but did not stand at the next general election. Mr. Maslin was one of the founders of the first Good Templar Lodge in the district, and has always taken a great interest on the cause of temperance. Since 1868 Mr. Maslin has taken an active part in the working of the Methodist Church at Geraldine; and for some years the meetings of the congregation were held in his mother's house. His mother died in 1887. In 1879 Mr. Maslin became a Freemason by joining the Southern Star Lodge No. 619 E.C., and is also a member of the Oddfellows' Lodge. Mr. Maslin was married, in 1873, to Miss Hannah Clough, daughter of the late Mr. M. Clough, of Sandietown, Timaru, and has a family of four sons and four daughters.
"Geraldine became a borough. In 1905 Mrs. W. S. Maslin, the mayoress, planted an oak tree in the Domain to commemorate the occasion." From the book Morrisons of Geraldine 1867 - 1967 by Barbara Harper
The Geraldine Guardian 24th January 1907 shows
Local & General
Mr W. S. Maslin, Mayor of Geraldine, has received the following letter from the South Island Representation Commission:- "Dear Sir,- After very careful consideration of the statements contained in your appeal, and the able arguments of the deputation who attended in support thereof, the South Island Representation Commission, in all circumstances, regret exceedingly their inability to give effect to the views and wishes of the appellants"
Timaru Council Record shows William Stephen Maslin, Husband of Hannah Clough, Aged: 79 years, Date of Interment: 1/12/1929, Denomination: Methodist, Section: Methodist, Block: M, Plot: 44A, Buried with Hannah Clough Maslin (wife)
The Timaru Herald 19th December 1929 shows
Maslin - On December 17th, 1929, at his residence, 157 Bay View Road, St. Kilda, Dunedin, William Stephen Maslin; aged 79 years
Funeral Notice
The Funeral of the late William Stephen Maslin will leave the Methodist Church, Geraldine, at 10.30 a.m. on Friday, December 20th, for the Geraldine Cemetery
The Timaru Herald 19th December 1929 shows
Mr E. H. Logan, Geraldine, received advice yesterday of the death at Dunedin of his brother-in-law, Mr W. S. Maslin. The late Mr Maslin resided in Dunedin for 65 years, and about fourteen years ago left to reside in South Otago. He was at one time Mayor of Geraldine, and a member of several public bodies.