Individual Notes

Note for:   John Pye,   18 DEC 1865 - 2 JAN 1935         Index

     Date:   4 JAN 1935
     Place:   Kelvin Grove Cemetery, Palmerston North

Individual Note:
     From ships "Atrato" passenger lists

Date of Birth from D Carter

Notes from D W Carter, Great grandson of John Pye and Bridget Monaghan
My mother Margaret Evelyn Carter (nee Kilmartin), distinctly remembers the death of John Pye on the 2nd January 1935. The extended family were spending a few days at the Totara Reserve, Pohangina, John having arranged for a neighbour to milk his cows while they were away. He collapsed and died instantly whilst removing a tent peg. His funeral was one of the largest attended in Palmerston North up until that time. John's second wife Isabel Cornish nee McAdie was the sister of his locomotive fireman and best friend, and she moved from the South Island to live with her brother and his family after the death of both her husband and child in the same year. Five years after they were married she sold her farm and John sold the family home in Palmerston North and they purchased the farm at Whakarongo.
Golden wedding of John Pye senior and Mary Ann Willcocks in 1910. According to my mother, John travelled from Palmerston North to Geraldine with his children Arthur, Willie, Nellie, Maggie, Agnes (Bobbie), and Mary. They are all apparently in the photo of the large family group.

*Birth Details, St Catherine's House Index shows Date Registered: Jan - March 1865, Volume: 5b, Page: 151, District: Newton Abbot, Devonshire, England*

Birth Certificate shows Registration District: Newton Abbot, 1865 Birth in the Sub District of Torquay in the County of Devon, When and Where Born: 18/12/1865, Stokingteignhead, John, Father: John Pye, Occ: Farm Labourer, Mother: Mary Ann Pye formerly Willcocks, Signature, description and residence of informant: The mark of Mary Ann Pye, Mother, Stokingteignhead, Registered: 10/1/1866, Signature of registrar: William Prowde?, Junior Deputy Registrar

*1st Marriage Details Date: 1886, Folio No: 2961, Names: John Pye and Bridget Monegan*

The Press 1st January 1900 shows
The annual meeting of the Geraldine Terminating Building Society took place on Friday night, the chair being occupied by Mr J. W. Pye (president). The annual report and balance sheet showed the society to be in a flourishing condition. The profit and loss account having increased to 127 pounds 12 shillings and 8 pence, now represented a profit equal share to 16 shillings and 9 pence per share. The share lists was slowly increasing every year. Messrs J. W. Pye, John Pye, and J. M. Sutherland, the retiring directors, were re-elected without opposition. Mr W. M. Moore was re-elected shareholders' auditor. The Chairman mentioned that a ballot for an appropriation would take place in about three weeks time.

*2nd Marriage Details Date: 1910, Folio No: 4605*

1910 Wises shows Pye John, engine driver, 133 Main St West, Palmerston North

The Manawatu Evening Standard 11th October 1915 shows
Mr J. Pye who is retiring from the locomotive branch of the Railway Department after 31 years service. 16 1/2 years of which have been spent in Palmerston, was entertained by a large gathering of railway men at the Oddfellows Hall on Saturday evening and presented with a case of carvers and a barometer.
The presentation was made by Mr W. McNeilly who referred in complimentary terms to their guest's career as a railway man, and wished him and Mrs Pye happiness and success in their new undertaking. His remarks were endorsed by many of those present. Mr Pye suitable acknowledged the gifts and said he would ever remember the many pleasant hours spent with his railway friends. Thereafter a pleasant hour was spent in toast and song. Past chairman's badges were presented to Messrs G. Willsher (Napier branch) and A. Ellis (Palmerston branch), E.F.C.A. It is Mr Pye's intention to take up farming in the Stony Creek district. Mr P.D. Clark presided over Saturday night's function.

*Death Details Date: 1935, Folio No: 470, Area: Palmerston North, March quarter*

Palmerston North Cemetery record shows John Pye, Date of Death: not shown, Date of Interment: 2/1/1935, Aged: 70, Address: Whakarongo, Occ: Farmer, Cemetery: Kelvin Grove Cemetery, Denomination: Presbyterian, Area: B, Block: 007, Plot No: 102, Plot Type: Grave, Buried with Isabella Alexander Pye(wife)

The Manawatu Evening Standard 3rd January 1935 shows
Pye - On January 2nd, 1935, (suddenly) John, dearly beloved husband of Isabella A. Pye, of Whakarongo; aged 70 years
Funeral Notice
Pye - The friends of the late John Pye are respectfully informed that the funeral will leave his late residence, Whakarongo, tomorrow (Friday), January 4th, 1935, at 2 p.m., for the Kelvin Grove Cemetery. Service at residence at 1.45 p.m.
Thos. Griggs and Son, Funeral Directors
Manchester Unity Oddfellows
Members of Loyal Manawatu Lodge are invited to meet at the Oddfellows' Hall, Cuba Street, tomorrow (Friday), at 1.30 p.m., to attend the funeral of the Brother J. Pye (Loyal Dannevirke Lodge)
S. J. Watson, Secretary

The Manawatu Evening Standard 5th January 1935 shows
Mr John Pye
Deep regret will be felt by many residents of Whakarongo district in the passing of Mr John Pye in his 71st year. His dimise occurred on Wednesday under sad circumstances. With his family, he was spending a day at Totara Reserve, Pohangina, when he suddenly collapsed and expired.
Born in Devonshire, England, the late Mr Pye came to New Zealand with his parents in 1874 as a lad of ten years of age, the family landing in surf boats at Timaru after making the voyage out in the first steamship to trade to New Zealand. They settled at Geraldine, but when 18 years of age the late Mr Pye proceeded to Napier, joining the locomotive staff of Railways Department, in the service of which he remained for 31 years. He was successively stationed at Napier, Woodville, Dannevirke, Auckland, Helensville and Palmerston North, coming to the latter centre some 36 years ago.
Leaving the service of the department in 1915, the late Mr Pye took up his residence at Whakarongo, where he had since resided. He was a member of the Dannevirke Lodge of the Manchester Unity of Oddfellows, formerly a member of the Stoney Creek Hall Committee, and of the Whakarongo School Committee, being secretary of the later body for a term.
Twice married, the deceased gentleman was predeceased by his first wife, formerly Miss Monaghan, of Napier, in 1905, and he remarried in 1910. The family of the first marriage are Messrs James Pye (Brisbane), W Pye (Auckland), A Pye (Sydney), Mrs W. J. Mills (Pahiatua), Mrs P. Kilmartin (Lower Hutt), Mrs S. Tremaine (Auckland), and Mrs A. McConaghty (Palmerston North). Misses May and Grace Pye, both of Whakarongo, are daughters of the second marriage. The sympathy of many friends has been extended to the bereaved widow and family. A brother of the deceased is Mr William Pye (Geraldine), and sisters are Mrs Wildermoth (Christchurch) and Mrs Bagrie (Hinds).
The interment took place yesterday afternoon at the Kelvin Grove cemetery, Rev J. Hubbard conducting the services at both the residence and the graveside. The pall bearers were Messrs T. Riddell (Palmerston North), R. Deane (Otorohanga), F. Colbert (Napier), W. J. Mills (Pahiatua), P. Kilmartin (Lower Hutt) and R. J. McAddie (Wanganui). Pall-bearers at the graveside were members of the Loyal Manawatu Lodge of Oddfellows, they being Messrs S. J. Watson, P. D. Clarke, J. Cushing, P. Christiansen, G. Farrar, L. Pascoe, C. Blackbourn, and Drury.

The Manawatu Evening Standard 8th January 1935 shows
Mrs J. Pye and Family desire to tender their grateful appreciation for the help received last Wednesday at Pohangina Reserve; also for expressions of sympathy, telegrams, letters and floral tributes in their recent bereavement. Special thanks to Mrs E. Uhrbom, Mrs T. Jones, and Mr A. Woodd?