Individual Notes

Note for:   John Joseph Rowe,   29 MAY 1947 - 19 JUL 1987         Index

     Place:   Cremated At Hamilton Park Cemetery

Individual Note:
     Name from marriage Folio No

Birth and Death Dates from Alison Pye's letter

*Birth Details Date: 1947, Folio No: 3731, Area: Kaponga, June quarter*

*Marriage Details Date: 1968, Folio No: 14361*

*Death Details Date: 1987, Folio No: 3717, Date of Birth 29/5/1947, Area: Hamilton*

Hamilton City Council Records show John Joseph Rowe, Date of Death: 19/7/1987, Date of Cremation: 23/7/1987, Aged: 40, Last Address: 32 Queens Avenue, Hamilton, Ashes returned to Funeral Director, Funeral Director: Pellows Funeral Services

Probate Record shows Rowe John Joseph, Place: Hamilton, Occ: Car Painter, Date of Death: 19/7/1987, Court: Hamilton, Probate No: BCDG 4421 916/87, Date Filed: 24/9/1987, Type: Will, Where: Hamilton Court

The New Zealand Herald 21st July 1987 shows
Rowe John Joesph. On July 19, 1987, at Hamilton, loved husband of Glenys (32 Queens Ave, Hamilton), loved father of Jenny, Brenda and Gavin. A service will be held in the Hamilton Park Crematorium Chapel, on Thursday, at 12.30 pm. G. M. Pellow, Funeral Directors, Hamilton

Individual Notes

Note for:   Theresa Anne Gertrude Known As Annie Pye,   28 NOV 1898 - 10 JUL 1965         Index

     Date:   31 JUL 1965
     Place:   Purewa Cemetery, Auckland

Individual Note:
     Some details from a letter sent to James (Jamie) Charles Pye from Alison Pye

Some details from V Hunter

Full Name from Marriage Folio

*Birth Details Date: 1898, Folio No: 4027, Registered: Wellington, December quarter*

*Marriage Details Date: 1921, Folio No: 6192*

Occ: Tailoress from Donald Pye

*Death Details Date: 1965, Aged: 66, Area: Auckland, 1 Folio No: 3180, Name: Theresa Ann Gertrude Hunter*

Probate Record shows Hunter Theresa Ann G, Place: Auckland, Occ: Married Woman, Court: Auckland, Probate No: BBAE 1570 1869/65, Date Filed: 26/7/1965, Type: Intestate (Letters of Administration), Where: Archives NZ, Auckland

Purewa Cemetery Records shows Theresa Anne Gertrude Hunter, Date of Death: 10/7/1965, Cremation Date: 13/7/1965, Date of Service: 31/7/1965, Aged: 66, Address: 31a Fancourt Street, Meadowbank, Auckland, Burial Type: Ashes, Location: Z-23-033, Buried with Clifford Lorrie Hunter(husband)

The New Zealand Herald 12th July 1965 shows
Hunter Theresa Anne Gertrude. On July 10, 1965, at Cornwall Hospital (after a short illness), beloved wife of Clifford Lorrie Hunter, of 31A Fancourt St, Meadowbank, loved mother of Phyllis (Mrs A. Hobday, Fielding), Joyce (Mrs I. Stirling), Jean (Mrs C. Smith), Nancy (Mrs P. Allely) and Robert, and grandmother of 17 grandchildren. A service will be held at Watney Sibun's Sons' chapel, Newmarket, at 10.30 a.m. tomorrow (Tuesday), the funeral then leaving for the Purewa Crematorium. Cut flowers only, please
Hunter Anne. On July 10, at Cornwall Hospital, dearly loved mother of Joyce, mother in law of Ivor and loving granny to Gary, Kenny and Glenda. Always remembered
Hunter Anne. On July 10, 1965, at Cornwall Hospital, dearly loved mother of Jean, mother in law of Jack, and loving granny to Bryan, Terry, Graeme and Glenys. Forever in our hearts
Hunter Anne. On July 10, 1965, at Cornwall Hospital, dearly loved sister of Nell (Mrs Lawton, Wellington), Mollie (Mrs Hackett, Auckland), Bill Pye (Ngaire?), Les Pye (Auckland) and the late Charlie and Jim
Hunter Anne. On July 10, 1965, at Cornwall Hospital, most dearly loved sister of Mollie (Auckland). Sadly missed
Hunter Anne. On July 10, 1965, at Cornwall Hospital, dearly loved aunt of Marge, Gordon, Ted and Rosalie
The New Zealand Herald 13th July 1965 shows
Hunter Anne. On July 10, 1965, dearly loved mother of Nancy, mother in law of Peter and loved granny of Robyn, Kevin and Kerry. Too dearly loved ever to be forgotten
Hunter Anne. On July 10, 1965, dearly loved mother of Bob, mother in law of Rae and loving granny of Jennette, Carolyn, and Andrea. Ever remembered by us all

Individual Notes

Note for:   Clifford Lorrie Hunter,   11 MAY 1900 - 1 JUL 1990         Index

     Date:   21 AUG 1991
     Place:   Purewa Cemetery, Auckland

Individual Note:
     Full Name from Marriage Folio

*Birth Details Date: 1900, Folio No: 1874, Area: Nelson, June quarter*

*Marriage Details Date: 1921, Folio No: 6192*

1929 Occ: Motorman and Address: 18 Russell Terrace, Wellington, from Mary Agnes Geraldine Pye Marriage Certificate

Occ: Motorman, Wellington Tramways, Member of Parliament, Conciliation Commissioner from Donald Pye

Unsure which Newspaper but article dated 22nd December 1938 shows
Services Recognised
Presentation to Mr Hunter
Gift from Supporters
There was a large attendance at the Drill Hall last night on the occasion of a presentation to Mr C. L. Hunter, late M.P. for Manawatu in recognition of his services to the electorate.
The hall had been tastefully decorated in colours of green and gold and supporters of the Labour Party were present from all parts of the Manawatu.
The programme comprised dancing and cards, at which all present thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
At a suitable juncture Mr M. Murphy, president of the Manawatu District Trades Council, asked Mr Hunter to accept from his numerous friends in the electorate a well-filled wallet of notes. Mr Murphy spoke of the services rendered by Mr Hunter, while in the House, stating that the presentation was being made in recognition of all that he had done and the assistance he had given the organisation. They were all very sorry to lose the aid of a stalwart in the Labour Government, but all appreciated the effort he had made on behalf of the workers, Mr Murphy concluded by wishing Mr and Mrs Hunter every success in their future, a wish, he said which was endorsed by all present. (Applause)
Mr Hunter was warmly received when he replied, expressing the thanks of Mrs Hunter and himself for all that had been said and the presentation made them. He felt that he had "let his supporters down." but he assured them he had done his best in a difficult job. He had been pleased to be able to serve the aims and objectives of the industrial movement he had been brought up in and whose problems he understood. The Government also understood these problems and had done well in laying the foundation of many reforms and so long as the people stood by the Government all would be well. Mr Hunter hoped that this would not be the last function that was held in the name of Labour in Feilding, and assured all present he would never forget his pleasant associations with Manawatu. He hoped that all would have a very happy festive season and thoroughly enjoy themselves. (Applause). The ceremony concluded with musical honours for the guests, followed by cheers.
A dainty supper was served by the ladies' committee added to the pleasure of the evening.

Unsure Newspaper or date
Labour's debut recalled
Predicting the future is always fraught with danger and 50 years ago The Dominion got it wrong.
The newspaper, witnessing the efforts of the Labour Party in 1935, predicted a Labour success would destroy constitutional government. 50 year ago yesterday it was posting news of a resounding Labour victory on its board, while thousands watched in the streets.
And constitutional government as we know it still seems to be around.
Yesterday Labour marked the 50th anniversary of its first storming of the Treasury benches.
Prime Minister David Lange, addressing guests at a Beehive function to mark the day, looked back on the first successful Labour campaign, and the impecunious figure the maverick party cut in those days.
"The Labour Party's head office managed to raise 820 pounds for campaign publicity." he said. "They spent 1030 pounds mostly on newspaper advertisements. Their opponents hardly needed to pay to advertise. The press was relentlessly Tory. The Dominion predicted the destruction of constitutional government if Labour was elected."
Guests included three of the first Labour MPs, Ormond Wilson, member for Rangitikei till 1938, and member for Palmerston North in the last term of the first Labour government; Sir Arnold Nordmeyer, member for Oamaru and ultimately Cabinet minister and Opposition leader; and Lorrie Hunter, who held Manawatu by 29 votes till a redistribution before the 1938 election dispatched him.
Michael Joesph Savage first brought Labour in with 47 per cent of the vote. In its first term, the new government introduced watershed welfare legislations - guaranteed prices for dairy farmers, state houses, the 40-hour week, paid holidays, educational reform and pensions.
It brought in the Social Security Act in 1938, and governed through World War II - under Peter Fraser's leadership after Savage's death in 1940 - to be defeated in 1949

Purewa Cemetery Records shows Clifford Lorrie Hunter, Date of Death: 1/7/1990, Cremation Date: 4/7/1990, Date of Service: 4/7/1990, Aged: 90, Address: 2/29 Exminster Street, Blockhouse Bay, Auckland, Burial Type: Ashes?, Location: Z-23-033, Buried with Theresa Anne Gertrude(wife), Query on this as different dates and names between cremation and burial info?

Unsure Newspaper or Date
Hunter Clifford Lorrie (QSM). On July 1, 1990 (peacefully, after a short illness), at Waitakere Hospital: aged 90 years. Loved husband of the late Anne, loved father and father-in-law of Phyllis and the late Alf Hobday (Taupo), Joyce and the late Blue Stirling, Jean and Fred Wilson, Nancy and Peter Allely (Patetongo), and Bob and Maureen, grandfather of nineteen grandchildren and great-grandfather of 36 great-grandchildren. A service will be held at the Purewa Crematorium Chapel, St Johns Rd, Meadowbank, tomorrow (Wednesday), at 12.30 pm. No flowers by request please, donations in lieu to St John Ambulance, Private Bag 2, Panmure would be appreciated. All communications to 31 Moriposa Ave, Lynfield, Auckland 4, W. H. Tongue & Son Ltd

Labour identify dies
Mr Lorrie Hunter, the last surviving member of the 1935 Labour Government, died in Waitakere Hospital, Auckland, recently, aged 90.
Mr Hunter was the MP for Manawatu under the first Labour Government, headed by Michael Joseph Savage, which built New Zealand's welfare state.
In 1938 Manawatu was won by a National Candidate and Mr Hunter moved to Auckland to begin work as a conciliation commissioner, mediating between employers and worker.
He retired in 1969, but five years later was brought back to his old role as industrial trouble-shooter when the Economic Stabilisation Regulations expired in 1974, and every award in the country had to be renegotiated.
In 1987 he received the Queen's Service Medal.
The same year he said he accepted Labour's being transformed into a Government which reduced protection and questioned traditional welfare programmes.
Mr Hunter's wife, Anne, died in 1965. He is survived by his son and four daughters.

Clifford Lorrie Hunter
Mr SPEAKER: I regret to inform the House of the
death on 1 July 1990 of Clifford Lorrie Hunter, who
represented the electorate of Manawatu from 1935 to 1938. I
desire on behalf of the House to express our sense of the loss
we have sustained and our sympathy to the relatives of the late
former member.
Honourable members stood as a mark of respect.
details found on the internet in 2006