Individual Notes
Note for: William George (8th) Gichard, 24 JUL 1849 - 22 JUN 1925
Christening: Date: 3 AUG 1849
Place: St Blazey, Cornwall, England
Burial: Date: 24 JUN 1925
Place: Aramoho, Wanganui, New Zealand
Individual Note: William Gichard came from Cornwall and a wealthy family that owned Tin Mines and lived at Roselyon Manor. He was a Labourer/Plumber
William was an Engineer at Easttown, near Aramoho on the Railways
Gwenyth Stewart (granddaughter) remembers being scared of him "Old Martinet his word was law", kids were seen and not heard
William wouldn't chop wood on Sundays but Hannah had to cook a 3 course dinner. The women of the household also had the task of cleaning William shoes
When William was quite young he was taken to a boarding house in South Wales where he studied to be an engineer, William went to sea for long periods. William and Hannah settled at Fielding in a cottage on the Manchester Block. The cottage was rectangle in shape, the size about 20 feet by 10 feet, they consisted of 2 weather boarded rooms with a shingle roof and a brick chimney. Each cottage was on one acre of land, the cost was 32 pounds for a cottage and 10 pounds for a section. William and Hannah moved to Wanganui in 1882, but William maintained ownership of the cottage in Feilding. Details from J Whitford
Marriage details off Elizabeth Anna Gichard birth certificate
Latter Day Saints IGI Individual Record shows William Gichard, Christening Date: 3/8/1849, Saint Blazey, Cornwall, England, Parents: William Gichard and Julia Hema?, Batch No: P006351, Dates: 1688 - 1875, Source Call No: 0226194, 0090240, Type: Film, Printout Call No: 6901096, Type Film, Sheet: 00
1861 English Census shows William Gichard, Relationship: Son, Unmarried, Aged: 11, Occ: Scholar, Birthplace: St Blazey, Cornwall, Location: Mt Charles
William Gichard arrived in New Zealand, with his brother Edward and his wife Emma, and other brother Joseph, plus his mother Julia. It sailed from London on the 26th August 1874 and arrived in Wellington on the 30th November 1874
Names as shown on passenger list
Under Single Men
Gichard William, 25, Cornwall, Labourer
Gichard Joseph, 20, Cornwall, Labourer
Under Families and Children
Gilhard? Edward, 23, Cornwall, Smith
Gilhard? Emma J., 27
Under Single Women
Gichard Julia H., 54, Cornwall, Matron
The Evening Post 14th February 1876 shows
Port of Wellington
Passenger List
Per Manawatu: Cabin - Miss Lane, Mrs Miller, Mr and Mrs Willard, Mr and Mrs Webb, Mr and Mrs Valetti, Messrs Miller, Davies, Hopwood, Carey, Rogers, Gichard, and Whelan
The Wanganui Herald 20th December 1884 shows
The annual meeting of the Railway Sick Benefit Society was held on Thursday, 17th December. The balance-sheet showed :— Total receipts for year, £169 17s 1d; expenditure, paid away for sick benefit and funerals, £108 17s; expenses of society, £19 16s 5d; dividend paid to members (4s 6d each), £24 8s; leaving a balance to be carried forward of £17 0s 8d. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Mr Henderson, President; Mr Butler, Vice-President; Mr Orton, Secretary; Mr Bowes, Treasurer; Messrs Rann and Bartlett, Trustees; Messrs Gomer and Rutledge, Auditors; and Messrs Tindale, Pennell, Startup, Gibbons, Allan, Hayward, and Gichard, Committee. A motion for making the society into a permanent one was lost by two votes. Six new members were elected. A committee composed of Messrs Sewell, Treweek, Orton, and Jackson was elected to inquire into the working of permanent societies, and report at next meeting.
*Marriage Details Date: 1876, Folio No: 1776*
1893 Electoral Roll shows Gichard William, Number: 872, Electorate: Wanganui, Voting Qualification: Residential: Residential Address: Aramoho, Occupation: Labourer
The Wanganui Herald 4th August 1898 shows
There was a very large attendance of members last evening at the extraordinary general meeting of the Wanganui Economic Building Society in the Christ Church schoolroom, Mr R. M. Gatenby, chairman of directors, presiding. Previous to the drawing of the ballot for £300, Mr J. H. Keesing moved in the direction of altering one of the rules relating to the forfeiture of ballot in the event of a member not being represented by proxy on the occasion of the drawing. After discussion the amendment was lost, and the chairman then withdrew other proposed alterations, which he intended moving in the event of Mr Keesing's amendment being carried. The chairman mentioned that only 11 marbles were left out through arrears in subscriptions, which he thought most satisfactory. The ballot was then proceeded with, Messrs R. Baddeley and F. Watts being appointed scrutineers. The lucky marble (No. 234, Mr W. G. Gichard) was drawn by Miss Claudia Price. As Mr Gichard was only entitled to £150, having but one share, another ballot was held, Mr R. Springman (No. 498, 2 shares) securing it.
The Wanganui Hearld 9th April 1900 shows
There was a large and representative gathering of railway employees in Mr W. S. Poole's Aramoho Hotel on Saturday evening, for the purpose of making a presentation to Mr E. S. Kelly, who has for many years been clerk of the Way and Works Department at Eastown, Mr W. Clarke, Bridge Inspector, presided, and after the usual loyal toasts, proposed success to the New Zealand Railways, which was responded to by Messrs McGwire, Stewart and Gichard. The chairman then presented Mr Kelly with a silver watch, suitably inscribed, together with a handsome gold and pendant albert, gold studs and links, pipe and valise, undoubtedly the finest gift received by any railway employee on the section. No less gratifying to the recipient were the eulogistic remarks of Mr Clarke, who paid a high tribute to Mr Kelly's efficiency in his multifarious duties, as well as his willing manner in imparting information when requested, that had rendered him almost indispensable to his colleagues and justly popular. Mr Kelly, who was greatly surprised and moved by the number of valuable articles showered upon him, stated that nothing was required to remind him of his pleasant Wanganui associations, and trusted they may be yet renewed. During the evening vocal items were contributed by Messrs Kelly, Morgan, Gerbis, Clausley, Owen and Curtis. Mr Gerbis officiated at the piano, leaving nothing to be desired. A very successful social terminated at 9.50 p.m. by the singing of "Auld Lang Syne," appropriately rendered under the leadership of Mr R. W. Stewart.
1911 Wises shows Gichard William, plumber, Aramoho, Wanganui
1918 NZPO Directory shows Gichard William, plumber, Kaikokopu Road, Aramoho, Wanganui
*Death Details Date: 1925, Folio No: 1400, Area: Wanganui, June quarter, Name: William Gichard*
Probate Record shows Gichard William, Place: Aramoho, Occ: Railway Employee, Court: Wanganui, Archives Reference: AAOG W3559 40/25, Probate No: 40/25, Date Filed: 6/7/1925, Type: Will, Where: Archives NZ, Wellington
Checked Sexton Wanganui 6/7/04, buried in Wanganui, Aramoho Cemetery
Date Buried: 24/6/1925, Block: E, Row: 12, Plot 707, Buried with Hannah Gichard(wife)
The Wanganui Herald 23rd June 1925 shows
Gichard - At his residence, 21 Kaikokopu Road, Aramoho, on June 22, 1925, William, beloved husband of Hannah Gichard, aged 76 years. (Feilding papers please copy)
Funeral Notice
Friends are notified that the funeral of the above will leave his late residence, 21 Kaikokopu Road, at 2.30 on Wednesday, for the Aramoho Cemetery. - S. J. Sullivan, Ltd., Undertakers
Cemetery Record Fiche for Aramoho Cemetery, Wanganui shows Record No: 2571
In memory of William Gichard died 22 June 1925, aged 76; and of his wife Hannah Gichard died 3rd January 1930, aged 76 years