Individual Notes

Note for:   Etera Morere?,   ABT 1818 - 7 MAY 1863         Index

     Date:   9 MAY 1863
     Place:   St James Anglican Church, Lower Hutt

Individual Note:
     Some details from B Bennett nee Pye

Probate Record shows Etera Jillett, Place: Hutt, Date of Death: 7/5/1863, Court: Wellington, Archives Reference: AAOM 6029 177, Probate No: 177, Date Filed: 13/8/1863, Type: Will, Archives NZ, Wellington

Cemetery Fiche for St. James Anglican Church shows Burial Record
Sarah Jillett, Date: 7/5/1863, Aged: 45

The Wellington Independent 9th May 1863 shows
Jillet (sic) - May 7, at the Hutt, Etera, the widow of the late Robert Jillet (sic), aged 45 years
The friends of the late Mrs Jillett are hereby informed that her remains will leave the residence of Mr John White, Hutt, on Saturday, the 9th Inst. at 2 o'clock p.m.
Joseph Hall, Undertaker May 8, 1868

Individual Notes

Note for:   John Whitehouse,   ABT 1802 - 9 JUN 1854         Index

Individual Note:
     Some details from B Bennett nee Pye

Year of Birth from M J Hislop's Notes

John Whitehouse brought a farm at Porirua, near the old Halfway House, soon after his arrival in New Zealand, and lived there for ten years, he died from the effects of an accident, a tree having fallen upon him and crushing his leg. Details from Charlotte Martha Whitehouse's Obituary

John and Charlotte Whitehouse, with their 4 children, arrived in Wellington on the Lord William Bentinck it sailed from London 8/1/1841 and arrived Wellington 19/5/1841
Names as on Passenger List
John Whitehouse, Aged: 39, Agricultural Labourer & Shepherd
Charlotte Whitehouse, Aged: 34
Joseph Whitehouse, Aged: 9
Thomas Whitehouse, Aged: 5
William Whitehouse, Aged: 3
John Whitehouse, Infant

Probate Record shows John Whitehouse, Place: Kinapore, Occ: Farmer, Date of Death: 9/6/1854 Court: Wellington, Archives Reference: AAOM 6029 63, Probate No: 63, Date Filed: 11/8/1854, Type: Will, Archives NZ, Wellington
Document missing from Archives NZ, Wellington

Individual Notes

Note for:   Charlotte Martha Lambly,   ABT 1806 - 5 DEC 1891         Index

     Date:   9 DEC 1891
     Place:   Johnsonville Cemetery, Wellington

Individual Note:
     Some details from B Bennett nee Pye

John and Charlotte Whitehouse, with their 4 children, arrived in Wellington on the Lord William Bentinck it sailed from London 8/1/1841 and arrived Wellington 19/5/1841
Names as on Passenger List
John Whitehouse, Aged: 39, Agricultural Labourer & Shepherd
Charlotte Whitehouse, Aged: 34
Joseph Whitehouse, Aged: 9
Thomas Whitehouse, Aged: 5
William Whitehouse, Aged: 3
John Whitehouse, Infant

The Evening Post 8th December 1891 shows
Whitehouse - At Tetai (sic) Bay, Porirua, Charlotte Martha, relic (sic) of the late John Whitehouse and one of the first pioneer settlers, at the ripe old age of 85 years; deeply regretted
Funeral Notice
The Friends of the late Mrs. John Whitehouse are respectfully invited to attend her Funeral, which will leave Porirua on Wednesday, the 9th inst., at 12 noon, arriving at the Cemetery, Johnsonville, at 3 p.m.
F. Greer, Undertaker
Another of the pioneer band of Wellington settlers has passed away, after having spent nearly 50 years of colonial life - Mrs Charlotte Martha Whitehouse, relict of the late John Whitehouse, who came to the colony in the ship Lord William Bentwick, and landed at Pipitea Point on the 25th May, 1841. Mr. Whitehouse brought a farm at Porirua, near the old Halfway House, soon after his arrival, and lived there for ten years, when he died, from the effects of an accident, a tree having fallen upon him and crushed his leg. Mrs. Whitehouse has lived in the district ever since, and she attained the mature age of 85, and also had the satisfaction of seeing all the members of her family in prosperous positions. There are four sons and one daughter - viz., one son settled in Tasmania; Mr. T. Whitehouse, Cuba Street; Mr. William Whitehouse, of Inglewood; Mr. John Whitehouse, of Porirua; and Mrs. Jillett, wife of Mr. W. Jillett, a member of the Hutt County Council. Deceased had lived with Mrs Jillett for very many years

Individual Notes

Note for:   William Matson Whitewood Buck,   5 DEC 1881 - 2 JUN 1965         Index

Individual Note:
     Some details from B Bennett nee Pye

Lived at Mangapehi, Main Trunk Line circa 1940 from Scholefield Papers

The Evening Post 22nd December 1888 shows
The following is the list of prize-winners for the Taita School. The prizes were presented by the Chairman (Mr. John Clement) on Thursday afternoon :— Standard VI. — I. Ross. Standard V. — W. Death. Standard IV. — A. Brown, J. Tilbury, A. Death, A. Hancock, A. James, E. Mellow, M. Ross. Standard III. — K. Boulcott. J. Hooper, M. Adams, G. Peck, L. Petterson, M. Russell. Standard II. — H. Mahood, C. Pike, C. Avery, L. Avery, E. Drummond, E. Edwards, M. Hooper, H. Haywood, P. Johnson, L. Mellow, E. Pitt, R. Wright, A. Webb. Standard I.— N. Death, H. Hancock, T. Hancock, E. Mahood, H. Mellow, N. Russell, A. Buck, M. Hawkes, M. Terry, A. Walters, L. Webb, E. Edwards, L. Johnston, H. Petterson, M. Russell, J. Russell, S. Wright. Infant classes.— First Division — N. Daysh, K. Fraser, J. Hawkes, J. Walters. L. James. Second Division — C. Evenson, T. Mahood, B. Wright, N. Haywood, A. Pitt. Third Division — W. Buck, S. Campbell, F. Hancock, A. Mellow, G. Peck, E. Peck, A. Russell, H. Russell, P. Russell, J. Terry, A. Campbell, M. Daysh, L. Evenson, M. Fox, M. Haywood, L. Pike, L. Walters. Mr. T. Mason's prizes for attendance were gained by M. Hooper, J. Hooper, M. Ross, J. Tilbury, J. Walters, A. Brown.

School Records for Taita School show
Class Standard II
William Buck, Taita School, Date of Examination: 17/9/1890, 8 years 8 months, Last Standard Passed: I, Attendance Record: 233, Remarks: Nervous, Result: Pass

The Evening Post 19th December 1891 shows
The prizes were presented by Mr. Thomas Mason on the 17th inst., prefaced by a suitable address to the children. After the prize distribution, tea was provided by the School Committee in Mr. Mason's grounds, and races and sports were indulged in. The following is the prize list :—
St. 7, M. Ross, dux of school, 1; A. James, 2; A. Brown, 3.
St. 6. K. Boulcott, 1; M. Adams, 2; M. Hooper, E. Pitt.
St. 5, C. Pike, 1; H. Walters, 2; E. Edwards, L. Johnston, N. Cleland, T. Handcock.
St. 4, L. James, 1; K. Frazer (sic), 2; M. Daysh, A. Buck, S. Russell, W. Buck, E. Russell, A. Pitt, N. Daysh, E, Edwards, J. Walters.
St. 3, A. Russell, 1; R. Russell, 2; E. Benge, I. Daysh, A. Death, A. Fisk, R. Fisk, M. Hooper, M. Hawk, L. Walters, F. Hancock, H. Russell, B. Wright, W. Whittington.
St. 2, M. Craig, M. Frazer (sic), M. Fox, S. Hoar, E. Hoar, J. Harvey, C. Pescini, N. Pike, H. Russell, A. Credland, J. Hawk, A. Mellow, V. Mellow, P. Russell, C. Walters.
St. 1, preparatory — All these youngsters had a nice book presented to them. Head teacher's prizes for good attendance were won by M. Ross (dux), K. Frazer (sic), H. Farrington, all with full marks. Head teacher's prize for best kept exercise book, M. Adams.