Individual Notes
Note for: Sarah Ann Oldknow, ABT 1837 - 26 JAN 1908
Burial: Date: 28 JAN 1908
Place: Porirua Cemetery, Porirua
Individual Note: Some details from B Bennett nee Pye
*Free BMD Records show Marriage Registered Date: June 1862, District: Derby, Names: Thomas Windley and Sarah Oldknow, Volume: 7b, Page: 573*
Porirua City Council Records show Sarah Ann Windley, Date of Death: Unknown, Date of Burial: 28/1/1908, Aged: 70, Cemetery: Porirua, Funeral Director: Robert J Cotton & Sons Ltd, P O Box 5191, Palmerston North
Probate Record shows Sarah Windley, Place: Porirua, Occ: Widow, Date of Death: 25/1/1908, Court: Wellington, Archives Reference: AAOM 6029 11269, Probate No: 11269, Date Filed: 27/3/1908, Type: Intestate (Letters of Administration), Archives NZ, Wellington
The Evening Post 27th January 1908 shows
Funeral Notice
The Friends of the late Mrs. Sarah Ann Windley are invited to attend her Funeral, which will leave her late residence, Porirua, Tomorrow (Tuesday), 28th January 1908, at 2 p.m., for the Porirua Cemetery.
J. Flyger and Co, Undertaker and Embalmers, Telephone 1073, 20, Cuba street
The Evening Post 28th January 1908 shows
Windley - on the 26th January, 1908, at Porirua, Sarah Ann, relict of the late Thomas Windley, aged 70 years
Individual Notes
Note for: James Oldknow, -
Individual Note: Details from B Bennett nee Pye
Individual Notes
Note for: William Windley, -
Individual Note: Details from B Bennett nee Pye
Individual Notes
Note for: Ann Cook, -
Individual Note: Details from B Bennett nee Pye
Individual Notes
Note for: John Whitehouse, ABT 1841 - 9 SEP 1895
Burial: Date: 12 SEP 1895
Place: Johnsonville Cemetery, Johnsonville
Individual Note: Details of Birth Date of 18/6/1845 and Place of Porirua from B Bennett nee Pye
Name from Passenger List and Lived in Porirua in 1891 from Charlotte Martha Whitehouse's Obituary
John Whitehouse arrived in New Zealand with his Parents and 3 Siblings on the Lord William Bentinck it sailed from London 8/1/1841 and arrived Wellington 19/5/1841
Names as on Passenger List
John Whitehouse, Aged: 39, Agricultural Labourer & Shepherd
Charlotte Whitehouse, Aged: 34
Joseph Whitehouse, Aged: 9
Thomas Whitehouse, Aged: 5
William Whitehouse, Aged: 3
John Whitehouse, Infant
*Marriage Details Date: 1868, Folio No: 964, Names: John Whitehouse and Charlotte Jillett*
Probate Record shows John Whitehouse, Place: Porirua, Occ: Sheep Farmer, Date of Death: 9/9/1895, Court: Wellington, Archives Reference: AAOM 6029 4893, Probate No: 4893, Date Filed: 15/10/1895, Type: Will, Archives NZ, Wellington
The Evening Post 10th September 1895 shows
Whitehouse - On the 9th September, 1895, at Petone, after a long and painful illness, John Whitehouse, of Porirua; aged 50 years
The Evening Post 11th September 1895 shows
One of the first New Zealand born settlers in this district has just passed away - Mr John Whitehouse, of Porirua, aged 50 years. The parents of the deceased arrived in Wellington on 22nd May, 1841, landing at Pipitea Point. Shortly after arrival they went to reside on a farm situated on the old Porirua road, near the Halfway House, at which place Mr. John Whitehouse was born in 1845. About 30 years ago he removed to Porirua, and has lived there until now, carrying on the business of a sheep farmer. The deceased was widely known and respected. He was the brother of Mr. T. Whitehouse, of this city, and also of Mr W. Whitehouse, of Inglewood. He leaves three sons and four daughters. The cause of death was enlargement of the liver
Funeral Notice
The Friends of the late Mr. John Whitehouse are respectfully invited to attend his Funeral, which will leave the residence of Mr. T. Bull, Johnsonville, on Thursday, 12th September, at 3 p.m., for the Cemetery Johnsonville
F Greer, Undertaker
Individual Notes
Note for: Mary Martha Known As Martha Butler, 1875 - 10 SEP 1952
Burial: Date: 12 SEP 1952
Place: Okato Cemetery, New Plymouth
Individual Note: Some details from
*Marriage Details Date: 1898, Folio No: 2989*
New Plymouth District Council Records show Johns, Martha Mary, Date of Death: 10/9/1952, Date of Burial: 12/9/1952, Friday, Address: Warea, Married, Aged: 77, Cemetery: Okato Cemetery, When died had listed as having 4 sons aged 55 & 48, 45 & 38 and 2 daughters aged 50 and 41 alive
Spoke to Des Corbett administrator of Okato Cemetery, 6/9/2004, and he advised Plot No: P 244, Buried with Frederick Johns(husband)
The Taranaki Herald 11th September 1952 shows
Johns - At her residence, Warea Road, Warea, on Wednesday, September 10, 1952, Martha Mary, beloved wife of Frederick William Johns and loved mother of Oswald (Rahotu), Ivy (Mrs. L. Donald, Warea), Henry (Warea), Frank (Matapu), Nellie (Mrs. A. Young, Oakura), Edgar (Otorohanga), and the late William and Lillian; in her 78 years. The funeral will leave the Anglican Church, Okato, for the Okato Cemetery, tomorrow, Friday, September 12, at the conclusion of a service commencing at 1 p.m. Friends please accept this intimation. B Gardner, Funeral Director