Individual Notes
Note for: Charles Inder, -
Individual Note: Some details from M Francis
*Marriage Details Date: 1883, Folio No: 2226*
Individual Notes
Note for: Emma Kent, -
Individual Note: Some details from M Francis
*Marriage Details Date: 1883, Folio No: 2226*
Individual Notes
Note for: Elizabeth Trevale Barkell, ABT 1833 -
Individual Note: Full Name from C W Bott's Ancestry Record
1881 British Census Record shows
Elizabeth Husk, Relation: Wife, Marital Status: Married, Gender: Female, Aged: 47, Birthplace: England, Occ: None Listed, Dwelling: 35 Havre Des Pas, Census Place: St Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands
Individual Notes
Note for: Arthur Fisk, ABT 8 JUN 1845 - 16 NOV 1920
Christening: Date: 6 JUL 1845
Place: Dallinghoo, Suffolk, England
Burial: Date: 19 NOV 1920
Place: Karori Cemetery
Individual Note: Some details from C W Bott's Ancestry Record
*English Free BMD records show Birth Registered: June 1845, District: Woodbridge, Arthur Fisk, Volume: 12, Page: 498, Unsure if correct one?*
*Latter Day Saints IGI Records show Arthur Fisk, Date of Christening: 6/7/1845, Dallinghoo, Suffolk, England, Parents: Isaac Fisk and Anna Weyman, Batch No: C062931, Dates: 1813 - 1875, Source Call No: 0919570, Type: Film, Printout Call No: 883924*
1851 English Census shows Arthur Fisk, Son, Aged: 5, Occ: Day Scholar, Birthplace: Charsfield, Suffolk, England, Civil Parish: Woodbridge, County: Suffolk, Dwelling: Cuttings Lane
1861 English Census shows Arthur Fisk, Aged: 15, Relationship: Prisoner, Birthplace: Woodbridge, Suffolk, England, Civil Parish: Willington, County: Durham
*Marriage Details Date: 1870, Folio No: 570*
1870 City of Wellington Electoral Roll shows Arthur Fisk, Place of Abode: Cuba Street, Nature of Qualification: Freehold, Roxburgh Street, part of town acre 378
1871 - 1872 City of Wellington Electoral Roll shows Arthur Fisk, Place of Abode: Taranaki Street, Nature of Qualification: Freehold, Roxburgh Street, part of acre 378
The Evening Post 10th June 1873 shows
The annual meeting of the Wellington Volunteer Fire Brigade duly came off, according to advertisement at the Athenaeum last evening.
the officers for the ensuring year were elected, as follows :-
Treasurer, Mr. A. Darroch, vice A. Fisk, resigned;
Messrs Bird and Austin branchman, and Messrs Austin and Fisk members of committee, for No 2 company.
A letter of thanks and the sum of 5 pounds was voted to the retiring treasurer, Mr A. Fisk
The Evening Post 26th October 1877 shows
To Dr. H. Diver.
Dear Sir - We, the undersigned ratepayers of Lambton Ward, have much pleasure in requesting that you will allow yourself to be nominated as a candidate to represent this Ward in the City Council, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. E. W. Mills, and we promise our best efforts to secure your return.
Arthur Fisk
... continued
The Evening Post 27th May 1878 shows
Wednesday, 29th May.
Sale of Household Furniture, &c., in Boulcott street.
Mr. J. H. Wallace is instructed by Mr. Arthur Fisk (who is removing to Wairarapa) to sell by public auction at his residence, Boulcott street, on Wednesday, 29th May, at 2 o'clock p.m., sundry household furniture and effects, comprising -
Chairs, tables, single and double bedstead's
Drawers and miscellaneous furniture
29th May, sale at 2 o'clock
1878 - 1879 City of Wellington Electoral Roll shows Arthur Fisk, Place of Abode: Wellington, Nature of Qualification: Freehold, Part of town acre 503
The Evening Post 1st July 1879 shows
For Sale - Rabbits, Rabbits, Rabbits - delivered at the Featherston Railway Station, in any quantity, at 9d per pair. Address, "Rabbits," care of A. Fisk, Taratahi Store
1880 - 1881 Electoral Roll shows Arthur Fisk, Place of Abode: Taratahi, Nature of Qualification: Freehold, Electorate: Thorndon, Storekeeper
Arthur Fisk, Place of Abode: Taratahi, Nature of Qualification: Residential, Electorate: Wairarapa South, Storekeeper
The Evening Post 28th January 1881 shows
The name of the Post Office at Taratahi, in the Wellington Postal District, will, from and after the 1st proximo, be changed to Clareville
The Evening Post 1st April 1881 shows
Tenders will be received by the undersigned until Noon on Monday, 11th April next, for the purchase of the Stock-in-trade of Arthur Fisk, of the Taratahi, Storekeeper, and now being in or upon the Taratahi Store.
The Stock-sheets may be inspected, and all particulars obtained on application to the undersigned at the said store.
The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
John Chamberlain
The Evening Post 2nd May 1881 shows
Tuesday, 3rd May,
At 11 a.m. sharp.
Under Bill of Sale.
Important to Storekeepers, Hotel Proprietors, Heads of Families, and the Public generally.
Entirely Without Reserve.
F. H. Wood & Co. have received instructions to sell by public auction, under Bill of Sale, on the premises known as Mr. Arthur Fisk's Store,
on the above date, commencing at 11 a.m. sharp, the whole of Mr. Fisk's well-assorted stock, comprising -
Drapery and fancy goods, millinery
Men's clothing, boots and shoes
Carpets, 3 Wheeler and Wilson's sewing machines
Grocery, crockery, glassware
Stationery, saddlery, ironmongery
Tool, Avery's platform scales
Farming implements, including
2 ploughs, Taylor's rake
Wood's reaper and binder
About 250 bushels oats, &c., &c.
The whole of the Stock is in splendid order, being mostly recent purchases, and will be sold in lots to suit buyers. The sale will commence at 11 a.m. sharp each day, and be continued until every line is cleared.
Terms declared at sale
1882 Picton Electoral Roll shows Arthur Fisk, Picton, Residential, Merchant
The Evening Post 25th May 1889 show
Charge of Evading Customs Duty
(By Telegraph.)
Blenheim, This Day
Arthur Fisk, merchant, of Picton, was charged with evading 5 pounds 0 shillings, balance of Customs duty on a case of cigars in December last. It appeared that the Customs officer had made a mistake with regard to the weight and rate, charging originally as for tobacco. On his pointing this out to Mr. Fisk, the latter had at once paid the extra amount but subsequently on his showing Mr. Fisk that the mistake had been made in calculating the dutiable weight, that gentleman had declined to pay for any more mistakes. Hence the action. The R.M. gave judgement for the plaintiff with costs, promising at the suggestion of Mr. McNab, for the defence, that if Mr. Fisk made a representation to the Government that the judgement was a hardship (as he had since sold the cigars), and the matter was referred to him, he would give his opinion of the matter
The Evening Post 30th November 1889 shows
Bankruptcy Court
This Day
(Before His Honour the Chief Justice.)
Applications for Discharge
On the application of Mr. Gully, who appeared for Levin & Co., the bankruptcy proceedings in re Arthur Fisk, merchant, of Picton, were adjourned to the next sitting of the District Court at Blenheim. Mr. McNab was for the debtor
... continued
The Evening Post 6th September 1890 shows
The Wellington Licensing Committee held a quarterly meeting at noon today at the Magistrate's Court.
The following applications for transfers of licenses were granted: - From Sidney G. Parkes, Oriental Hotel, Willis street, to Arthur Fisk;
... continued
The Evening Post 24th September 1890 shows
Arthur Fisk, licensee of the Oriental Hotel, is declared a bankrupt, and a meeting of his creditors is fixed to be held at 11 o'clock next Tuesday, at the Official Assignee's office
The Evening Post 25th September 1890 shows
The liabilities of Arthur Fisk, licensee of the Oriental Hotel, recently declared a bankrupt, amount to 740 pounds 13 shillings and 9 pences, but 700 of this sum is due to a secured creditor. The assets are stated to be worth 512 pounds 10 shillings made up as follows: - Deposits in the hands of Messrs. E. G. Jellicoe and Ryan, and the Gas Company, 200 pounds; book debts valued at 20 pounds; and surplus in hands the hands of secured creditor, 322 pounds 10 shillings; leaving a deficiency of 198 pounds 3 shillings and 9 pences. Creditors whose claims are over 5 pounds are as follows: - Elizabeth A. Fisk, 275 pounds; R. McCallam (Blenheim), 141 pounds; C. Ryan (Blenheim), 70 pounds; S.P. McNab (Blenheim), 30 pounds; J. Maginnity, 30 pounds; Equitable Loan Company, 30 pounds; Emma Payton, 25 pounds; - Brodie, 25 pounds; F. T. Farmer (Blenheim), 18 pounds; Hancock and Co. (Auckland), 10 pounds 10 shillings; Dr. Fell, 9 pounds 5 shillings; Happy Valley Meat Company, 9 pounds 4 shillings 6 pences; James Smith, 6 pounds 18 shillings 6 pence; W. Fisk, 6 pounds 10 shillings; R. Martin, 6 pounds; T. Ballinger, 6 pounds 5 shillings; A. Whiteford, 5 pounds 10 shillings. The secured creditor is T. G. Macarthy, brewer, who holds security valued at 1022 pounds 10 shillings for a debt of 700 pounds
The Evening Post 30th September 1890 shows
Meeting of Creditors
The affairs of Arthur Fisk, late licensee of the Oriental Hotel, Willis street, who recently filed his schedule, were discussed by his creditors this morning, Mr. J. Maginnity, in the absence of the Official Assignee on the West Coast, being in the chair. Mr. Gully appeared for debtor, Mr. Travers for the Official Assignee, Mr. Glascodine for Mr. C. Ryan, of Blenheim, one of the creditors, and Mr. Kirk for Mr. S. Parkes, the ground landlord of the Oriental Hotel. The debtor submitted a written statement to the effect that after his discharge from bankruptcy in Blenheim he paid Mr. C. Ryan 100 pounds on account of the purchase of the Criterion Hotel, Blenheim. Negotiations fell through, and Mr. Ryan refused to refund the deposit. He then borrowed 300 pounds and made a deposit on account of the purchase of the lease of the Oriental Hotel. He brought an action against Mr. Ryan for the recovery of the 100 pounds, but was nonsuited, Mr. Ryan then made a demand on him for 70 pounds, legal expenses, and it was agreed that he should settle by a cash payment of 30 pounds and a bill for the balance. A bailiff was, however, put in, and as two more bailiffs afterwards arrived on Mr. Ryan's behalf to remove the stock, he decided to file. The debtor further stated that an offer of 1022 pounds 10 shillings made for his interest in the hotel was still unrevoked. The debtor, replying to questions, denied that he had ever told anyone that the sum of 100 pounds advanced for the purchase of the hotel in Blenheim was his own money. It was not true that he suppressed the fact to Wellington business men that he was engaged in a lawsuit in Blenheim. The Chairman said he felt strongly in reference to the bankruptcy, as the hotel had already cost him a lot of money. The debtor explained that when he went into the hotel he put 250 pounds into the business. Property in Picton belonging to his wife was sold for about 300 pounds, and lodged to her credit. The 100 pounds paid as a deposit for the purchase of the hotel in Blenheim was advanced out of the proceeds of the sale of the Picton property. After considerable discussion, it was decided on the motion of Mr. Brodie, seconded by Mr. H. W. Potter, to accept an offer of 100 pounds by Mr, Parkes for the debtor's interest in the hotel
The Evening Post 30th October 1890 shows
All the Judges being engaged in the Court of Appeal, the sitting of the Bankruptcy Court fixed for today was adjourned until Saturday, when the following list will be dealt with:-
Arthur Fisk
... continued
The Evening Post 6th November 1890 shows
Arthur Fisk, late licensee of tho Oriental Hotel, Willis street, was examined on oath by the Official Assignee yesterday afternoon, two creditors (Messrs. J. Maginnity and C. W. Brodie) being present. The debtor had been previously examined, but as the Official Assignee was absent at the time on the West Coast the bankrupt was not placed on his oath. He deposed that he bought the Oriental Hotel for 950 pounds from Mr. Sidney Parkes. He paid 250 pounds in cash, 110 pounds in bills, and the balance was by mortgage. Cash to the amount of 300 pounds was lent him by his wife, who sold furniture allowed her out of a previous bankruptcy and also the equity of redemption of certain property in Picton. He got into difficulties through transactions with Mr. Ryan, of Blenheim, whose hotel he was trying to purchase. He sued Ryan for damages for alleged breach of agreement and for the return of the deposit of 100 pounds, but was nonsuited, and Ryan put in the bailiff on account of the costs. Ho was bankrupt in Blenheim once only before the present failure. It was not a fact that he had been bankrupt three or four times prior to the present occasion. The creditors at the first bankruptcy allowed his wife to purchase the equity of redemption of the house in Picton for 5 pounds, and she afterwards sold her interest for 70 pounds. The furniture which the creditors allowed her at the same time was disposed of for 230 pounds. He paid 100 pounds deposit to Ryan, Mr. Farmer of Blenheim advancing him the amount. Mr. Maginnity accused the debtor of concealing the fact from Wellington creditors that an action against Ryan was pending. Debtor said he considered he was in honour bound to take proceedings to recover the deposit, as the money was Mr. Farmer's. He was in business at Taratahi about 10 years ago, but was not bankrupt then, although he was placed in difficulties through the failure of a Wellington merchant. He regretted now that he had taken proceedings against Ryan. Mr. Maginnity said he considered the bankruptcy was unsatisfactory, and he moved that the debtor should be publicly examined. The Official Assignee pointed out that as a quorum of creditors was not present, no resolution could be passed. At Mr. Maginnity's request the meeting was adjourned until 2.30 on Tuesday next, the 11th inst., in order that an effort might be made to secure a quorum of creditors
The Evening Post 29 November 1890 shows
Bankruptcy Court
This Day
(Before the Chief Justice.)
Applications for Discharges
On the application of Mr. Gully, the discharge of Arthur Fisk, publican, was granted
... continued
1893 Electoral Roll shows Fisk Arthur, Number: 4019, Electorate: Wellington, Voting Qualification: Residential, Residential Address: 51 Ghuznee St, Occ: Agent
1897 Wairau Electoral Roll shows Arthur Fisk, Deep Creek, Hotelkeeper, Residential
1919 Wellington Central Electoral Roll shows Fisk Arthur, 55 Webb Street, Clerk
*Death Date: 1920, Folio No: 3524, Area: Wellington, December quarter*
Death Certificate shows Date and Place: 16/11/1920, 55 Webb Street, Wellington, Name of Deceased: Arthur Fisk, Occ: Clerk, Aged: 77, Cause of Death: Chronic Nephritis, Several years, Chronic Bronchitis, Cardiac Failure, Medical Attendant: G. M. Whisk? When law saw deceased: 16/11/1920, Parents: Isaac Fisk, Occ: Not Known, Hannah Fisk, Maiden Surname: Not known, When and Where Buried: 19/11/1920, Karori, Name of Minister: T. F?. Taylor, Religion of Minister: Anglican, Where Born: Woodbridge, England, How long in New Zealand: 58 years, Where Married: Wellington, Age Married: 27, To Whom Married: Elizabeth Ann Payton, Aged of Widow, if living: No widow, Issues living: 3 Males: 48 years, 46 years, 36 years, 5 Females: 43 years, 41 years, 39 years, 35 years, 33 years, Informant: Robt. H. Wilson, Undertaker, Wellington
Karori Cemetery Record shows Fisk Arthur, Date Buried: 19/11/1920, Aged: 77, Address: 55 Webb Street, Occ: None Listed, Minister: Rev Taylor?, Undertaker: Wilson R. H., Grave No: 203, Path: F, Division: C2
The Evening Post 17th November 1920 shows
Fisk - On the 16th November, 1920, at his residence, 55, Webb Street, Arthur, beloved husband of Elizabeth Ann Fisk; aged 77 years
Could not locate a Funeral Notice
Karori Headstone reads
In loving memory of our dear father Arthur Fisk died 16 Nov 1920 aged 77 years. Also our dear mother Elizabeth Anne Fisk died 18 June 1922 aged 69 years. Capt Henry Fisk died 25 July 1919 aged 79. Mary Mercer Fisk died 5 Nov 1927 aged 79 years