Individual Notes
Note for: Edward Owen Davies, - 1951
Burial: Place: Wellington Area
Individual Note: Name from L Lake
*Marriage Details Date: 1929, Folio No: 343*
Probate Record shows Davies Edward Owen, Place: Wellington, Occ: Linesman, Court: Wellington, Archives Reference: AAOM 6031 1582/51, Probate No: 1582/51, Date Filed: 18/12/1951, Type: Intestate (Letters of Administration), Archives NZ, Wellington
Individual Notes
Note for: Claude Sidney Pullan, 1907 - 14 JUL 1967
Burial: Date: 14 JUL 1967
Place: Akatarawa Cemetery, Upper Hutt
Individual Note: Some details from L Lake
*Marriage Details Date: 1935, Folio No: 823*
*Death Details Date: 1967, Folio No: 2 4737, Aged: 60, Area: Upper Hutt*
Akatarawa Cemetery Record shows Pullan Claude Sidney, Date of Death: Not Listed, Aged: 60, Address: 25 Merton Street, Trentham, Occ: Painter, Area: Monumental 2, Cemetery: Akatarawa Cemetery, Plot: 649, Denomination: Anglican
Akatarawa Cemetery Fiche shows Date of Burial: 14/7/1967, Record: 325
Claude Sidney Pullan died 14 July 1967 aged 60 years
Individual Notes
Note for: John James Martyn Archer, 1912 - 1977
Burial: Place: Wanganui Area
Individual Note: Some details from L Lake
*Birth Details Date: 1912, Folio No: 3840, Area: Carterton, September quarter*
*Marriage Details Date: 1947, Folio No: 4521*
John and Irene Archer lived in Napier in 1954, details from Walter Alfred Edward Butt's Death Notice
*Death Details Date: 1977, Folio No: 5349, Aged: 64, Area: Wanganui*
Probate Record shows Archer John James Martin, Place: Wanganui, Occ: Retired Civil Servant, Court: Wanganui, Archives Reference: AAOG W3559 99/77, Probate No: 99/77, Date File: 1/4/1977, Type: Will, Archives NZ, Wellington
Individual Notes
Note for: Rubina Ovidia Ada Known As Ruby Butt, 9 APR 1906 - 23 JUN 1988
Burial: Place: Kelvin Grove Cemetery, Ashes Scattered
Individual Note: Some details from L Lake
Known as Name from Walter Alfred Edward Butt's Death Notice
*Birth Details Date: 1906, Folio No: 2173, Area: Wellington, June quarter*
*Marriage Details Date: 1928, Folio No: 424*
Marriage Certificate shows When and Where: 3/3/1928, Registrar's Office, Wellington, Reginald Clarence Steele, Aged: 22, Occ: Slaughterman, Occ: Bachelor, Birthplace: Ashburton, Residence: Present: Wellington, Usual: Wellington, Father: James Walter Steele, Occ: Mill Hand, Mother: Ada Steele nee Carter, Rubina Ada Ovida Butt, Aged: 21, Occ: None Listed, Spinster, Birthplace: Wellington, Residence: Present: Wellington, Usual: Wellington, Father: Walter Albert Edward Butt, Occ: Electrician, Mother: Ada Clara Butt nee Haines, Witnesses: E. E. Cox, Typiste, Wellington, R. McKay, Civil Servant, Wellington
*Death Details Date: 1988, Folio No: 10179, Date of Birth: 9/4/1906, Area: Levin*
Palmerston North City Council record shows Rubina Ovidia Ada Steele, Date of Death: 23/6/1988, Date of Cremation: 24/6/1988, Aged: 81, Address: Te Whanau Rest Home, Levin, Occ: Widow, Cemetery: Kelvin Grove Cemetery, Ashes Scattered, Book of Memories, Funeral Director: Harveys Funeral Service, Place of Death: Horowhenua Hospital
Individual Notes
Note for: Reginald Clarence Steele, 29 DEC 1905 - 22 AUG 1977
Burial: Place: Kelvin Grove Cemetery, Ashes Scattered
Individual Note: Some details from L Lake
*Birth Details Date Registered: 1906, Folio No: 937, Area: Ashburton, March quarter, Name: Reginald Clarence Steel?*
*Marriage Details Date: 1928, Folio No: 424*
*Death Details Date: 1977, Folio No: 16694, Aged: 71, Area: Levin*
Marriage Certificate shows When and Where: 3/3/1928, Registrar's Office, Wellington, Reginald Clarence Steele, Aged: 22, Occ: Slaughterman, Occ: Bachelor, Birthplace: Ashburton, Residence: Present: Wellington, Usual: Wellington, Father: James Walter Steele, Occ: Mill Hand, Mother: Ada Steele nee Carter, Rubina Ada Ovida Butt, Aged: 21, Occ: None Listed, Spinster, Birthplace: Wellington, Residence: Present: Wellington, Usual: Wellington, Father: Walter Albert Edward Butt, Occ: Electrician, Mother: Ada Clara Butt nee Haines, Witnesses: E. E. Cox, Typiste, Wellington, R. McKay, Civil Servant, Wellington
Palmerston North City Council record shows Reginald Clarence Steele, Date of Death: 22/8/1977, Date of Cremation: 24/8/1977, Aged: 71, Address: 17 Chester Street, Levin, Occ: Barman, Cemetery: Kelvin Grove Cemetery, Ashes Scattered, Book of Memories, Funeral Director: Harveys Funeral Service