Family Group


Aaron Harvey   
  Born: 20 SEP 1799 - Somerset, England
  Marr: -
  Died: ABT 1832 -
Other Spouses:

Elizabeth Frances Cooz   
  Born: 28 FEB 1802 - Bath, Somerset, England
  Died: 29 JUL 1875 -
Other Spouses: Henry Gregory Buck

1. Harriott Harvey   
  Born: 1821 -
  Died: - 2. George Harvey   
  Born: 1822 -
  Died: - 3. Eliza Harvey   
  Born: 1825 -
  Died: - 4. Jane Harvey   
  Born: 18 DEC 1828 - Newton St Loe, Somerset, England
  Marr: 1844 - Solomon Levy
  Died: 3 JAN 1901 - At Her Residence 26 Roxburgh Street, Wellington 5. Ann Or Anne Harvey   
  Born: 24 JUL 1831 - Newton St Loe, Somerset, England
  Marr: - Thomas Wilson (other spouses)
  Died: 13 MAY 1909 - At Her Residence 27 Nelson Street, Petone
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Family Group


Francis Walter Wade
  Born: -
  Marr: -
  Died: -
Other Spouses:

Pamela Ann Greener
  Born: -
  Died: -
Father: Alfred Arthur Known As Fred Greener
Mother: Ethel May Berthold
Other Spouses:
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Family Group


Thomas Wilmor McKenzie         
  Born: 6 MAR 1827 - England
  Marr: 22 JUN 1853 - St Paul's, Wellington
  Died: 2 MAR 1911 - At His Residence, Ghuznee Street, Wellington
Father: James McKenzie
Mother: Margaret Stewart
Other Spouses:

Leah Buck   
  Born: 22 FEB 1836 -
  Died: 14 JAN 1898 - 83 Ghuznee Street, Wellington
Father: Henry Gregory Buck
Mother: Elizabeth Frances Cooz
Other Spouses:

1. Henry Alexander Wilmer McKenzie   
  Born: 24 MAR 1851 - Wellington
  Marr: 1912 - Mary Ann Whitewood
  Died: 13 NOV 1918 - At His Residence, 139 Ghuznee Street, Wellington 2. Margaret Elizabeth Wilmor McKenzie   
  Born: 1854 - Wellington, New Zealand
  Marr: 1876 - James MacKenzie
  Died: 9 SEP 1884 - At Her Father Residence, Ghuznee Street, Wellington 3. Rosetta Rachel Wilmor McKenzie   
  Born: 1858 -
  Marr: 1881 - Herbert Albert Morris
  Died: 20 APR 1949 - At Her Residence, 142 Hutt Road, Petone 4. Miriam Annie McKenzie   
  Born: ABT JUN 1860 -
  Died: ABT 12 JAN 1865 - At Her Father Residence, Ghuznee Street, Wellington 5. Jane Ellen Alice Wilmor McKenzie   
  Born: 1860 - Wellington, New Zealand
  Marr: 1878 - John Taylor (other spouses)
  Died: 10 AUG 1943 - 6. Thomas Ernest Wilmor McKenzie   
  Born: ABT MAR 1862 -
  Died: 19 JAN 1865 - At His Father's Residence, Ghuznee Street, Wellington 7. Edith Kate Wilmor McKenzie   
  Born: ABT MAY 1863 -
  Died: 21 JAN 1865 - At Her Father Residence, Ghuznee Street, Wellington 8. Miriam Kate Wilmor McKenzie   
  Born: ABT JUL 1865 -
  Died: 22 MAY 1869 - At Her Father Residence, Ghuznee Street, Wellington 9. George Alfred Wilmor McKenzie   
  Born: 8 JAN 1867 - Wellington, New Zealand
  Marr: 1888 - Kate Thomas (other spouses)
  Died: 23 APR 1924 - 10. Celia Leah Wilmor McKenzie   
  Born: 1869 -
  Marr: 1893 - George Cecil Basil Harper
  Died: 20 SEP 1943 - Wanganui 11. David Earl Wilmor Known As Earl McKenzie   
  Born: 1873 - Wellington, New Zealand
  Marr: 1909 - Alice Mary Wise
  Died: 9 APR 1960 - 12. Lilian Ethel Wilmor McKenzie   
  Born: 1875 - Wellington, New Zealand
  Marr: 1912 - Alfred William Wilton Curtis
  Died: 16 JUN 1936 - Wellington, New Zealand
13. Leonard Stuart Wilmor McKenzie   
  Born: 1876 - Ghuznee Street, Wellington, New Zealand
  Marr: 1910 - Annie Spratt Maguire
  Died: 18 NOV 1942 - At His Residence, Dufferin Street, Wellington 14. John Warneford Known As Jack McKenzie   
  Born: 7 AUG 1878 -
  Marr: 1917 - Marjory Buck
  Died: 19 SEP 1974 - Hastings
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Family Group


George Silcock   
  Born: ABT 1822 - Henton, Somerset, England
  Marr: 1847 - Bath, England
  Died: -
Other Spouses:

Esther Buck   
  Born: 9 OCT 1825 - Somerset, England
  Died: 10 AUG 1902 - Faraday Street, Napier
Father: Robert Buck
Mother: Alice Gregory
Other Spouses: Henry John Cotterill

1. Thomas Silcock   
  Born: ABT 1849 - Corston, Somerset, England
  Died: - 2. Mary Ann Silcock   
  Born: 16 OCT 1851 - Corston, Somerset, England
  Marr: 1868 - William Workman
  Died: 21 SEP 1945 - Greytown
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Family Group


Levi Buck     
  Born: 13 DEC 1838 -
  Marr: 9 OCT 1869 - St Paul's Church, Thorndon, Wellington
  Died: ABT 1881 - Went Missing In The King Country
Father: Henry Gregory Buck
Mother: Elizabeth Frances Cooz
Other Spouses:

Emma Jane Ames   
  Born: ABT 1842 -
  Died: 11 NOV 1930 -
Father: James Ames
Mother: Mary Ann Hull
Other Spouses:

1. May Maud Buck   
  Born: 27 JUL 1870 - Lawrence, Otago
  Marr: 1909 - Alfred Short
  Died: 6 JAN 1914 - 2. Percy Ames Buck   
  Born: 27 OCT 1872 - 551 Tinakori Road, Wellington
  Marr: 1900 - Jessie Rosa Harris
  Died: 1 JUL 1934 - Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand 3. Alice Mary Buck       
  Born: 1875 - Wellington
  Marr: 1894 - George William Keeling
  Died: 21 OCT 1933 - 4. Nellie Ames Buck   
  Born: 1877 - Wellington Area
  Died: - 5. Ernest Buck   
  Born: ABT 1880 -
  Died: -
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