Family Notes


Family Note:   Intention to Marry Certificate shows Return of Applications to Marry in the Dunedin District, Groom: Waghorne William Dudley, Bachelor, Occ: Butcher, Aged: 25 (+),Dwelling Place: Dunedin, Length of Residence: 3 days, Bride: Pirrie Isabella Elizabeth, Spinster, Occ: None Listed, Dwelling Place: Dunedin, Length of Residence: 2 months, Place where marriage to be solemnized: In the house of Rev J Gow, High Street, Dunedin, Date of Certificate: 15/5/1874, Officiating Minister: Revd. J Gow, Archives Reference: BDM 20/19, p.737/157

(+)should show aged 28 from date of birth on Birth Certificate

Marriage Certificate shows when and where: 18/5/1874 at the House of the Rev. John Gow, High Street, Dunedin, William Dudley Waghorn? Age: Full, Occ: Butcher, Isabella Elizabeth Pirrie, Age Full, Occ: Servant, Spinster, Name of Officiating Minister: Rev. John Gow, When Registered: 18/5/1874, Witnesses: Cecilia M Gow, High Street, Dunedin, Anna Ormsby, High Street, Dunedin

Marriage Details Date: 1874, Folio No: 2536, Names: William D Woghorn or Woghorne and Isabella E Pirrie

Date from M Francis