Family Notes
Family Note: Civil Marriage Details from Emerald Ancestors Date of Marriage: 2/3/1887, James Winning and Maggie Clarke, Church: Ballymena Second Presbyterian Church, Parish: Kirkinriola, County: Antrim
Extracted Entry from the Register of Marriages shows Registrar's District of Ballymena, 1887 Solemnised at Ballymena in the Parish of Kirkinriola in the County of Antrim, No: 143, When Married: 2/3/1887, James Winning, Aged: Full Age, Condition: Bachelor, Occ: Clerk, Residence at time of Marriage: Belfast, Father Name and Surname: James Winning, Occ of Father: Merchant, Maggie Clarke, Aged: Full Age, Condition: Spinster, Occ: None Listed, Residence at time of Marriage: Broughshane, Father Name and Surname: James Clarke, Occ of Father: Labourer, Married in the High Kirk Church, according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Presbyterian Church, by licence, by me Rev William Gilmore, Witnesses: James Clarke and Maggie J Montgomery