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Back Row L to R: Theresa Ann Gertrude Pye known as Annie RIN-4280, Richard Charles Pye Known as Charlie RIN-4273, Mary Agnes Geraldine Pye known as Molly RIN-4295, Nellie Pye known as Nell RIN-4306, Leslie Robert Pye known as Les RIN-4284, Front Row L to R: Charles Pye RIN-4229, James Thorpe Pye Known as Jim RIN-2, Edward Roy Pye Known as Teddy RIN-4217, Teresa Agnes Pye nee Thorpe RIN-4339, William Albert Pye Known as Bill RIN-4261
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17-Pye_Charles-(4230)-FAMILY-fp.jpg - Back Row L to R: Theresa Ann Gertrude Pye known as
Annie RIN-4280, Richard Charles Pye Known as Charlie
RIN-4273, Mary Agnes Geraldine Pye known as Molly
RIN-4295, Nellie Pye known as Nell RIN-4306, Leslie
Robert Pye known as Les RIN-4284, Front Row L to R:
Charles Pye RIN-4229, James Thorpe Pye Known as Jim
RIN-2, Edward Roy Pye Known as Teddy RIN-4217, Teresa
Agnes Pye nee Thorpe RIN-4339, William Albert Pye
Known as Bill RIN-4261

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