Individual Notes
Note for: Michael O'Halloran, ABT 1855 - 10 AUG 1914
Burial: Date: 13 AUG 1914
Place: Northern Cemetery, Dunedin
Individual Note: Michael and his brother Patrick and sister Johanna arrived in New Zealand on the Rakaia. It sailed from Plymouth on the 30th May 1879 and landed at Wellington on the 9th September 1879.
Names as shown on Passenger List
Single Woman
Johanna Holloran (sic), Aged: 27, Limerick, Domestic Servant
Single Men
Patrick Halloran (sic), Aged: 25, Limerick, Agricultural Labourer
Michael Halloran (sic), Aged: 23, Limerick, Agricultural Labourer
Armed Constabulary Microfilm held at National Archives, Wellington, Numbered 6429, Page: 174
AD?: 1759, Appointment Date: 19/9/1879, Date Sworn In: 25/9/1879, Michael O'Halloran, Birthplace: Ireland, Occupation: Labourer, Aged: 23, Height: 5.9, Complexion: Fair, Hair: Brown, Eyes: Grey, Distinguishing Marks: nil, Married/Single: Single, Religion: Roman Catholic, Previous Service: Nil, Remarks: Artillery Dunedin
New Zealand Tablet 5th July 1900 shows
Visitors to Dunedin will find excellent accommodation at the Scotia Hotel, Leith and Dundas streets, Dunedin, now conducted by Mr. Michael O'Halloran (for some years in the police force in Otago and Canterbury). Mr. O'Halloran, since taking possession of this well-known and popular hotel, has made considerable improvements and alterations in it, so that now the accommodation is all that could be desired. Travellers and others will find that the Scotia possesses all the comforts of a home, and the popular proprietor will spare neither pains nor expense in catering to the satisfaction of his guests.
New Zealand Tablet 3rd July 1902 shows
Mr Michael O'Halloran, late of the police force, and well known in this city and Ashburton, has leased the Pier Hotel, corner of Crawford and Jetty streets, Dunedin, where he will be happy to see any of his many friends. Considerable alterations and improvements have been recently made in this old-established hostelry, and families and the public generally will find that first-class accommodation has now been provided ...
Otago Witness 15th June 1904 shows
Taieri Licensing Committee
Transfer of Publicans's License
John Nash. Green Island Hotel, Green Island, to Michael O'Halloran.
Mr Hanlon appeared to support the application, which was granted.
Application for Publicans Licenses
Michael O'Halloran, Green Island Hotel, Green Island. - Mr Hanlon for the applicant. - The Chairman said the police report was favourable, and the application would be granted. - An application for an extension to 11 o'clock was also granted.
Otago Witness 14th June 1905 shows
Renewals of Publicans' Licenses
The following renewals of publicans' licenses were granted
Michael O'Halloran, Green Island Hotel
Extension of Hours
Extension of time of keeping open till 11 o'clock was granted to
Michael O'Halloran, Green Island Hotel
Otago Witness 27th June 1906
Taieri Licensing Committee
Michael O'Halloran applied for a renewal of his license for the Green Island Hotel. Mr Hanlon for the applicant.
The Chairman: The committee has decided that this application shall be granted; but the committee is not at all satisfied with the way this man conducts the hotel. It may probably be because the licensee is a single man. Well, I hope that will be remedied forthwith.
Mr Hanlon: The applicant has the matter in hand, but I cannot say "forthwith." Mr Justice Cooper only the other day pointed out the danger of hasty and ill-considered marriages.
The Chairman: "Forthwith" means within a reasonable time.
Mr Hanlon: I understand that he is already paving the way. — (Laughter.)
The Chairman: Unless there is very marked improvement the committee will take a very serious objection to his having the license in future.
Mr Hanlon undertook that certain requirements as to fire escapes should be met. License granted.
*Marriage Details Date: 1907, Folio No: 3968, Names: Michael O'Halloran and Mary Dessarthe*
Marriage Certificate shows When and Where: 9/5/1907, St Joseph Cathedral, Dunedin, Groom: Michael O'Halloran, Aged: 46?, Occ: Hotelkeeper, Bachelor, Birthplace: County Limerick, Ireland, Residence: Present: Green Island, Usual: Green Island, Father: Michael O'Halloran, Occ: Farmer, Mother: Bridget O'Halloran nee Fitzgerald, Bride: Mary Dessarthe, Age: 31, Occ: Nothing listed, Birthplace: Invercargill, New Zealand, Residence: Present: Green Island, Usual: Green Island, Father: Francis Felix Dessarthe, Occ: Saw Miller, Mother: Ellen Dessarthe nee Tipping, Witnesses: John Greerine? Auctioneer, Dunedin and Maggie Bremman, Dunedin, Minister: James Coffey
Otago Witness 12th June 1907 shows
Licensing Committee Meetings
Publicans' licenses were granted as follows
Michael O'Halloran, Green Island Hotel, Green Island
Otago Witness 4th March 1908 shows
Messrs Geerin, Hally, and Co. report having sold, on account of Mrs D. McCurdy, her right, title, and interest in the premises known as the Green Island Hotel, consisting of freehold land, together with two strong brick buildings, to Mr Michael O'Halloran, the present licensee, at a satisfactory price.
Otago Witness 17th June 1908 shows
Taieri Licensing Committee
The following renewals were granted
to Michael O'Halloran, Green Island Hotel (Mr Hawkins for applicant)
Otago Witness 9th June 1909 shows
Licensing Committee Meetings
Green Island Hotel, Green Island - Mr Hanlon, on behalf of Michael O'Halloran, applied and was granted a renewal of license for this house, an intimation in regard to a ladder being given in the same way as in the previous two cases.
Note: previous two cases ... the committee would like to see a rope ladder fixed at a convenient place form the upper storey in case of fire ...
The Otago Daily Times 11th August 1914 shows
O'Halloran - On August 10, at his residence, Eskvale street, Musselburgh, Michael, beloved husband of Mary O'Halloran; aged 56 years. Deeply regretted. R.I.P
The Otago Daily Times 14th August 1914 shows
Mr Michael O'Halloran, who was interred in the Northern Cemetery yesterday, was for many years one of the best known and most popular policemen in Dunedin. He joined the Armed Constabulary in the troubled times of 1881, at Taranaki, and was present in the same year at the Parihaka Pa, and at the capture of Te Whiti, Tohu, Titkowaru, and other Maoris who figure in the pages of New Zealand history. In 1889 he was transferred to the police force, at the opening of the Dunedin Exhibition. For a number of years he was one of the best-known constables in Dunedin. He left the force, and became successively owners of the Scotia and Pier Hotels, and also of the Green Island Hotel, which was his property at the time of his death. Latterly he had lived a retired life at Musselburgh. He married fairly late in life, and leaves a widow, but no family.
Probate Record shows Michael O'Halloran, Place: Dunedin, Occ: Hotelkeeper, Date of Death: 10/8/1914, Court: Dunedin, Archives Reference: DAAC 9075 D239 2705, Probate No: 2705, Date Filed: 28/8/1914, Type: Will, Archives NZ, Dunedin
The Evening Post 2nd February 1915 shows
Deceased Persons' Estates
Michael O'Halloran 3496 pounds