Individual Notes
Note for: Emma Elizabeth Rowley, 1870 - 21 OCT 1939
Burial: Date: 23 OCT 1939
Place: Bromley Cemetery, Christchurch
Individual Note: Name, Year of Birth and Year of Death and Place from B McVeigh
Christchurch City Council Cemeteries Database shows Emma Elizabeth Williams, Date of Death: 21/10/1939, Date of Burial: 23/10/1939, Aged: 70 years, Occ: Widow, Birthplace: Christchurch, Address: 79 Edgeware Road, Christchurch, Bromley Cemetery, Block: 14, Plot: 362
The Press 23rd October 1939 shows
Williams - On October 21, 1939, at her residence, 79 Edgeware road, St, Albans, Emma Elizabeth, widow of the late Alfred Williams; in her 71st year. Passed peacefully away. Sprays only
Williams - The Funeral of the late Emma Elizabeth Williams will leave her residence, 79 Edgeware road, This Day (Monday) at 9.30 a.m. for the Bromley Cemetery. Service at house 9 a.m. George Barrell
Individual Notes
Note for: Jane Ellen Thorpe, - ABT 1953
Burial: Place: Dunedin Area
Individual Note: Name from B McVeigh
Probate Record shows Jane Ellen Hebbard, Place: Dunedin, Occ: Married Woman, Court: Dunedin, Archives Reference: DAAC 9076 D239 609/53, Probate No: 609/53, Type: Intestate (Letters of Administration), Date Filed: 23/7/1953, Archives NZ, Dunedin
Individual Notes
Note for: Thomas Goldsworthy Hebbard, 1923 - 1959
Individual Note: Name and Year of Birth and Place and Year of Death and Place from B McVeigh
Individual Notes
Note for: Marjory Valda Bell Bain, 1907 - 22 OCT 1988
Burial: Date: 21 NOV 1988
Place: Purewa Lawn Cemetery, Auckland
Individual Note: 1st and 2nd Names and Year of Birth from B McVeigh
3rd Name from Marriage Folio
*Birth Details Date: 1907, Folio No: 2310, Area: Granity, June quarter*
*Marriage Details Date: 1926, Folio No: 7837, Names: Vance Hannah and Marjory Valda Bell Bain*
Purewa Cemetery Records show Valda Marjorie Belle Hannah, Date of Death: 22/10/1988, Date of Cremation: 26/10/1988, Date of Burial: 21/11/1988, Aged: 81, Address: 1/44 Campbell Road, One Tree Hill, Auckland, Location: Block: X, Row: 41, Plot: 24, Funeral Directors: Sibuns Funeral Advisors, 582 Remuera Road, Remuera, Auckland, Buried with Vance Hannah (husband)
The New Zealand Hearld 25th October 1988 shows
Hannah Valda Margorie. On October 22, 1988 (suddenly) at Green Lane
Hospital (late of One Tree hill), dearly loved wife of the late Vance, loving mother of Jack (deceaced), Bruce (Australia) and Mary Anne (Hawaii), a much loved grandmother of Deborah, Michael, Jeffery and Craig, and Peter and Gregory and great grandmother of Stephen, James, Nicholas and Benjamin. A private family service is being held. Watney Sibuns, Manurewa, FDANZ
Hannah Valda Margorie. On October 22, 1988, much loved mother and mother in law of Bruce and Grace (Australia), loved grandmother of Michael, Jeffery and Craig, great grandmother of James, Nicholas and Benjamin
Hannah Valda Margorie. On October 22, 1988, dearly loved sister of Hazel Dreaver (Christchurch), Mollie Goss (Christchurch), and Beverley Morgan (Glendowie), loved aunt of all her nieces and nephews
Hannah Valda Margorie. On October 22, 1988, dearest mother in law of Shirley, loved grandmother of Deborah and Wayne and very special great grandmother of Stephen
Individual Notes
Note for: Vance Hannah, ABT 1900 - 5 AUG 1983
Burial: Date: 18 AUG 1983
Place: Purewa Cemetery, Auckland
Individual Note: Name from B McVeigh
*Marriage Details Date: 1926, Folio No: 7837, Names: Vance Hannah and Marjory Valda Bell Bain*
Purewa Cemetery Records show Vance Hannah, Date of Death: 5/8/1983, Date of Cremation: 9/8/1983, Date of Burial: 18/8/1983, Aged: 83, Address: 1/44 Campbell Road, Royal Oak, Auckland, Religion: Presbyterian, Location: Block: X, Row: 41, Plot: 24, Funeral Directors: C H Barker Funeral Services, 281 Onehunga Mall, Onehunga, Auckland, Buried with Marjory Hannah (wife)
The New Zealand Herald 9th August 1983 shows
Hannah Vance - On August 5, 1983, at a Private hospital, dearly loved husband of Valda loved father of Bruce (Australia), Mary Anne (Honolulu), and the late Jack, loved father in law of Shirley, Grace and Peter, loved grandfather of Deborah, Peter and Gregory, Michael, Jeffrey and Craig. Aged 83 years. Private cremation