Individual Notes

Note for:   Jane Victoria Hebbard,   23 MAY 1881 - 9 JUN 1928         Index

     Date:   1 JUL 1928
     Place:   Karori Cemetery

Individual Note:
     *Birth Details Date: 1881, Folio No: 2719, Area: Christchurch, September quarter*

School Admission Record shows Jane Hebbard, School: Denniston, Registar No: 556, Admission Date: 20/5/1891, Parent: William Hebbard, Address: Denniston, Birthdate: 23/5/1881, Last School: Normal Christchurch, Last Day: 11/10/1895, Destination: Home

*Marriage Details Date: 1901, Folio No: 2286*

Marriage Certificate shows Peter Brown, Aged: 22, Birthplace: Scotland, Occ: Miner, Bachelor, Usual Residence: Denniston, Mother: Helen Brown nee Smith, Father: John Brown, Jane Victoria Hebbard, Aged: 19, Birthplace: Christchurch, Occ: Domestic Duties, Usual Residence: Denniston, Mother: Eliza Ann Hebbard nee Williams, Father: William Hebbard, When: 19/4/1901, Where: At the residence of Mrs O'Leary, Denniston

1902 Buller Roll shows Jane V Brown, Denniston, Domestic Duties

1905 Buller Roll shows Jane V Brown, Denniston, No Occ Listed

1925 Wellington South Electoral Roll shows Jane Victoria Brown, 227 Riddiford Street, Married

*Death Details Date: 1928, Folio No: 2528, Area: Wellington, September quarter*

Karori Cemetery Records show Jane Victoria Brown, Date of Burial: 11/7/1928, Aged: 47, Address: 28 Normanby Street, Occ: Married, Minister: Rooke, Funeral Director: Wilson R H, No of Grave: 881, Path: F, Division: C2. Rang Karori Cemetery January 2007 - Jane Brown nee Hebbard and Lillie O'Leary formerly Hebbard nee Williams buried in same plot, there is no headstone or concrete surrounding on the plot

Probate Record shows Jane Victoria Brown, Place: Wellington, Occ: Married, Court: Wellington, Archives Reference: AAOM 6029 42934, Probate Reference: 42934, Date Filed: 15/8/1928, Type: Intestate (Letters of Administration), Archives NZ Wellington

The Evening Post 10th July 1928 shows
Brown - On the 9th July, 1928, at Hill Street, Private Hospital, Jane Victoria, beloved wife of Peter Brown, of 28 Normanby street, Newtown
Funeral Notice
The Friends of Mr. Peter Brown are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of his late dearly beloved wife, Jane Victoria, which will leave the Mortuary Chapel of Robert H. Wilson and Sons Tomorrow, Wednesday, 11th July, 1928, at 2.30 p.m., for the Karori Cemetery.
Robert H. Wilson and Sons. Undertakers, 164, Adelaide-rd. Tel 24-155

Individual Notes

Note for:   John Brown,   ABT 21 AUG 1848 - 10 MAY 1936         Index

     Date:   12 MAY 1936
     Place:   Orowaiti Cemetery, South Island, New Zealand

Individual Note:
     1925 Raglan General Roll shows John Brown, Glen Massey, No Occupation

Buller Council Records show John Brown, Date of Death: 10/5/1936, From Scotland, Date of Burial: 12/5/1936, Aged: 96, Occ: Coal Miner, Religion: Methodist, Cemetery: Orowaiti, Plot: 23, Block: F, Clergyman: Rev Larsen?

Death Certificate shows When and Where Died: 10/5/1936, People's Home, Westport, John Brown, Miner, Aged: 96, Cause of Death: Senility, Medical Attendant: P. L. Foote, When Last Saw Deceased: 9/5/1936, Parents: Nothing Listed, When and Where Buried: 12/5/1936, Orowaiti Cemetery, Minister: S W Webber, Religion: Presbyterian, Where Born: Scotland, How Long in NZ: 70 years, Marriage Details: Nothing Listed, Issued: Nothing Listed, Informant: Robert U? Hagedom, Undertaker, Westport

Individual Notes

Note for:   Helen Known As Ellen Smith,   25 APR 1845 - 2 APR 1927         Index

     Place:   Ngaruawahia Cemetery, Ngaruawahia

Individual Note:
     1925 Raglan General Roll shows Helen Brown, Glen Massey, Married

Death Certificate shows When and Where Died: 2/4/1927, Waikato Hospital, Hamilton from Glen Massey, Helen Brown, Occ: Married, Aged: 82, Cause of Death: Senility, Diabetes and Toxaemia, 3 months, Medical Attendant: J. B. McMiken, When Last Saw Deceased: 2/4/1927, Father: Robert Smith, Occ: Miner, Mother: Christina Smith nee Muir, Where and Where Buried: 5/4/1927, Ngaruawahia, Minister: J. T. Burrows, Religion: Presbyterian, Where Born: Morningside, Scotland, How Long in NZ: 42 years, Where Married: Shotts, Scotland, Age Married: 21, To Whom: John Brown, Issues: Males: 52 years, 50 years, 48 years, 45 years, Informant: N. E. Burrow, Undertaker, Hamilton

Individual Notes

Note for:   Robert Smith,    -          Index

Individual Note:
     *Latter Day Saints IGI Individual Record shows Robert Smith, Spouse: Christina Muir, Marriage: 10/8/1834, Shotts, Lanark, Scotland, Reference: Batch No: M116555, Dates: 1820 - 1855, Source Call No: 1066606, Type: Film, Printout: 6901497*