Individual Notes

Note for:   Doris Middleton,    - 20 JUN 1933         Index

Individual Note:
     Full Name from Marriage Folio

Date of Death from Leslie Vincent Manning and Christina Morton Rodger's Marriage Certificate

*Marriage Details Date: 1928, Folio No: 4281*

Individual Notes

Note for:   William Goldsworthy Hebbard,   ABT 1856 - 26 MAY 1898         Index

Individual Note:
     1st Name and Surmame from Peter Brown and Jane Victoria Brown nee Hebbard's Marriage Certificate

2nd Name from Marriage Folio

Year of Birth of 1861 and Place and Date of Death and Place from B McVeigh

*Free Births, Marriages and Deaths Records show Date Birth Registered: September 1856, District: Helston, William Goldsworthy Hebbard, Volume: 5c, Page: 229*

1861 English Census shows William G Hebbard, Son, Aged: 4, Birthplace: Breage, Cornwall, Parish: Breage

William Goldsworthy Hebbard arrived in New Zealand on the Ship the "Star of China". It sailed from Plymouth 19/4/1875 and arrived at Lyttelton 1/8/1875
Name as shown on passenger list
Hebbard Wm G, Aged: 19, County: Cornwall, Occ: Farm Labourer
Total Cost of Passage Money to the Government: 14.10

*Marriage Details Date: 1877, Folio No: 1997*

1893 Buller Electoral Roll shows William Goldsworthy Hebbard, Denniston, Miner

Individual Notes

Note for:   Eliza Ann Known As Lillie Williams,   5 AUG 1860 - 19 JUN 1920         Index

     Date:   21 JUN 1920
     Place:   Karori Cemetery, Wellington

Individual Note:
     Full Name from Peter Brown and Jane Victoria Brown nee Hebbard's Marriage Certificate

Date of Birth and Place from B McVeigh

*1st Marriage Details Date: 1877, Folio No: 1997*

1893 Buller Electoral Roll shows Eliza Hebbard, Denniston, Married

*2nd Marriage Details Date: 1900, Folio No: 734, Names: John O'Leary and Lilie Hebbard*

1901 lived in Denniston as Peter Brown and Jane Hebbard married at the residence of Mrs O'Leary

Karori Cemetery Records show Lily O'Leary, Date of Burial: 21/6/1920, Aged: 59, Address: 22 Kenwyn Terrace, Occ: Married, Minister: Rev Rick, Funeral Director: R H Wilson. Rang Karori Cemetery January 2007 - Jane Brown nee Hebbard and Lillie O'Leary formerly Hebbard nee Williams buried in same plot, there is no headstone or concrete surrounding on the plot

The Evening Post 19th June 1920
O'Leary - On the 19th June, 1920, at her late resident, No. 22, Kenwyn terrace, Newtown, Lilly, beloved wife of John J. O'Leary, aged 59 years.
Funeral Notice
The Friends of Mr. John O'Leary are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of his late beloved wife, Lilly, which will leave his residence, No. 22, Kenwyn terrace, Newtown, on Monday, 21 June, 1920, at 10 am for the Karori Cemetery. Robt. H. Wilson and Son, Undertakers and Embalmers. Tel 24-155 164, Adelaide road

Individual Notes

Note for:   Fanny Hebbard,   26 APR 1880 - 3 OCT 1923         Index

     Date:   4 OCT 1923
     Place:   Hamilton East Cemetery, Hamilton

Individual Note:
     Date of Birth of 26/4/1880 and Place of Death from B McVeigh

*Birth Details Date: 1880, Folio No: 1699, Area: Christchurch, June quarter*

School Admission Record shows Fanny Hebbard, School: Denniston, Registar No: 555, Admission Date: 20/5/1891, Parent: William Hebbard, Address: Denniston, Birthdate: 6/4/1880?, Last School: Christchurch, Last Day: 25/3/1895, Destination: Home

*Marriage Details Date: 1914, Folio No: 8075*

Hamilton City Council Cemetery Records show Fanny Chapman, Date of Death: 3/10/1923, Date of Burial: 4/10/1923, Aged: 43, Cemetery: Hamilton East Cemetery, Location: Front, J, 53, Funeral Director: Tongue & Scrimshaw

The Waikato Times 3rd October 1923 shows
Chapman - On October 3, 1923, Fanny, the beloved wife of William Andrew Chapman, of Nixon Street, Hamilton East, and late of Waimate; aged 43 years.
The funeral will leave the reisdence of Mrs Holmes, Graham Street, Hamilton East, at 2.30 p.m. tomorrow for the Hamilton East Cemetery. Friends please accept this initimation - Walter Burrow and Son, Directors

Individual Notes

Note for:   Thomas Henry Hebbard,   24 DEC 1884 - 16 JUN 1955         Index

     Place:   Cremated At Christchurch Crematorium

Individual Note:
     Date of Death and Place from B McVeigh

*Birth Details Date Registered: 1885, Folio No: 622, Area: Christchurch, March quater*

School Admission Record shows Thomas Hebbard, School: Denniston, Registar No: 554, Admission Date: 20/5/1891, Parent: William Hebbard, Address: Denniston, Birthdate: 24/12/1884, Last School: Christchurch, Last Day: 16/9/1897, Destination: Work

Military Personnel Records show Thomas Henry Hebband?, WWI 24/2001, Army, Archives Reference: Agency: AABK, Series: 18805, Accession: W5539, Box: 106, Record: 53031, Archives NZ, Wellington
Military Records for Thomas Henry Hebbard 24/2001 Rank: Rifleman, Unit: NZ Rifle Brigade
Certificate of Discharge shows
Thomas Henry Hebbard, No: 24/2001, Rank: Rifleman, Unit: NZ Rifle Brigade, Service Aboard: 3 years and 127 days, Aged: 29 11/12 years, Complexion: Fair, Hair: Fair, Height: 5 Feet, 9 inches, Eyes: Blue, Occ: Tram Conductor, Dated 5/8/1919
Leave of Discharge
You are herby granted leave on discharge for a period of twenty eight days after disembarkation from H.M.N.Z. Transport " Ruahine" and take notice you will be discharged from the N.Z.E.F, upon the last day of such leave.
Reg No: 24/2001, Rank: Rfm, Hebbard T. H., Full Postal Address: Newtown, Wellington, Date of Issue: 9/7/1919
Marriage Details
Laurie May Heaton, Spinster, 11/1/1919, Register Office, Fulham, SW, A Busby, Registrar
Particular of Children: Nil
Next of Kin: Mrs L. M. Hebbard C/- G.P.O Torquay
Thomas Henry Hebbard
Regiment or Unit: Flay Infantry 10th
Birthplace: Christchurch
British Subject: Yes
Birthdate: 24/12/1885 another sheet has 24/12/1884
Occ: Tram Conductor
Apprenticeship: No
Last Address Resided: Old Park Hotel, Newtown
Employer: Corporation Tramways, Wellington
Have you Passed Fourth Education Standard: Yes
Are you Married: No
Have you served in any Military or Naval Force: Yes, Samoa, 252 days
- Denniston, Volunteers, 2 years, Cause of Discharge: Left District (on sheet signed 10/8/1914)
Next of Kin: Mrs J O'Leary, Old Park Hotel, Newtown, Wellington, Mother
Signed at Trentham 16/11/1915
Aged: 30 years
Height: 5 feet, 9 inches
Weight: 11 stone 10 pounds
Chest Measurement: Minimum: 37 inches, Maximum: 39 inches
Complexion: Fair
Colour of Eyes: Blue
Colour of Hair: Fair
Religious Profession: Church of England
Distinctive Marks: None
Embarkment H.M.T Monowai 12/4/1914
Arrived Apia Samoa 29/8/1914
Admitted Field Hospital - 4/11/1914 to 6/11/1914 D. Fever, Mild Case
? in Troopship Aug 1914
? in Samoa Dec 1914
Embarkment Apia H.M.N.Z.T No. 16 Tahunui 10/3/1915
Arrived Wellington, New Zealand
History Sheet
Address 58 Edinburgh Terrace, Newtown, Wellington
Period of Service
In New Zealand 166 days
Overseas 3 years and 323 days
Total Service 4 years and 123 days
Date Duty Commenced 10/8/1914
Date Final Discharge 5/8/1919
Samoa 1914
Egyptian 1916
Western Europe France 1916

Probate Record shows Thomas Henry Hebbard, Place: Christchurch, Occ: War Pensioner, Court: Christchurch, Archives Reference: CAHX 2989 CH171 CH5/1956, Archives NZ, Christchurch

The Press 17th June 1955 shows
Elderly Man Found Dead in Streamer Express
When the streamer express Maori arrived at Lyttelton from Wellington yesterday morning, a passenger Thomas Henry Hebbard, aged 71, of 100 Geraldine street, Christchurch, was found dead in his cabin by the steward who was taking him a cup of tea. An inquest was opened later before the Coroner (Mr E. B. E. Taylor) and adjourned sine? die after evidence of identification had been given.
Hebbard Thomas Henry - On June 16, 1955, at Lyttelton, loved husband of the late Jean Hebbard and loved father of Gwen (Mrs L. Pain, of Cheviot), and Tom of Auckland
Funeral Notice
Hebbard - The Funeral service for the late Thomas Henry Hebbard will commence in the Crematorium Chapel, Linwood avenue, Tomorrow (Saturday) at 10.30 a.m. Lamb and Hayward, Ltd