Individual Notes
Note for: John Buddles, ABT 1863 -
Individual Note: Occ: Greengrocer, Newbiggin, Northumberland, England from P Hyde
1881 English Census shows John Buddles, Son, Unmarried, 17, Newbiggin, Northumberland, England, Occ: House Carpenters Apprentice, Dwelling: High Street, Census Place: Newbiggin In Morpeth, Northumberland, England
Individual Notes
Note for: William Buddles, ABT 1865 -
Individual Note: 1881 English Census shows John Buddles, Son, 16, Newbiggin, Northumberland, England, Occ: Grocers Shop Boy, Dwelling: High Street, Census Place: Newbiggin In Morpeth, Northumberland, England
Individual Notes
Note for: Sarah Buddles, ABT 1867 -
Individual Note: *Free BMD Records show Birth Registered: June 1867, Sarah Buddles, District: Morpeth, Volume: 10, Page: 321*
1881 English Census shows Sarah Buddles, Daughter, 13, Newbiggin, Northumberland, England, Occ: Scholar, Dwelling: High Street, Census Place: Newbiggin In Morpeth, Northumberland, England
*Free BMD Record shows Marriage Registered: March 1912, Frank Hogarth and Sarah Buddles, District: Morpeth, Volume: 10b, Page: 523*
Individual Notes
Note for: Hannah Jane Buddles, ABT 1869 - ABT 1937
Individual Note: 2nd Name, Year of Death and Place from P Hyde
1881 English Census shows Hannah J Buddles, Daughter, 11, Newbiggin, Northumberland, England, Occ: Scholar, Dwelling: High Street, Census Place: Newbiggin In Morpeth, Northumberland, England
Individual Notes
Note for: Ann Isabella Buddles, 10 DEC 1871 -
Individual Note: Occ: Milliner's Assistant and Date of Birth and Place from P Hyde
*Free BMD Records show Birth Registered: March 1872, Ann Isabella Buddles, District: Morpeth, Volume: 10, Page: 3*6 (unable to read)*
1881 English Census shows Ann J? Buddles, Daughter, 9, Newbiggin, Northumberland, England, Occ: Scholar, Dwelling: High Street, Census Place: Newbiggin In Morpeth, Northumberland, England
Individual Notes
Note for: George Buddles, ABT 1874 -
Individual Note: Occ: Joiner, Newbiggin, Northumberland, England from P Hyde
*Free BMD Records show Birth Registered: March 1874, George Buddles, District: Morpeth, Volume: 10, Page: 352*
1881 English Census shows George Buddles, Son, 7, Newbiggin, Northumberland, England, Occ: Scholar, Dwelling: High Street, Census Place: Newbiggin In Morpeth, Northumberland, England
Individual Notes
Note for: Robert Buddles, ABT 1880 -
Individual Note: 1881 English Census shows Robert Buddles, Son, 1, Newbiggin, Northumberland, England, Dwelling: High Street, Census Place: Newbiggin In Morpeth, Northumberland, England
Individual Notes
Note for: Margaret Known As Peggy Gregg, ABT 1884 -
Individual Note: *Free BMD Record shows Birth registered: Sept 1884, Margaret Gregg, District: Morpeth, Volume: 10b, Page: 376, unsure if correct one?*
Individual Notes
Note for: Frank Hogarth, -
Individual Note: *Free BMD Record shows Marriage Registered: March 1912, Frank Hogarth and Sarah Buddles, District: Morpeth, Volume: 10b, Page: 523*
Individual Notes
Note for: Richard Lincoln Known As Dick Dalton, - ABT 1971
Individual Note: Surname from Ida Laura Brown nee Bradbury's Death Notice
1st and 2nd Names from Marriage Folio
*Marriage Details Date: 1930, Folio No: 8758*
1957 Waitakere Main Roll shows Richard Lincoln Dalton, Sunnyside Road, Henderson, Carpenter
1966 Waitakere Main Roll shows Richard Lincoln Dalton, 128 View Road, Henderson, Retired
Probate Record shows Richard Lincoln Dalton, Place: Awanui, Occ: Retired Carpenter, Court: Auckland, Archives Reference: BBAE 1570 1117/71, Probate No: 1117/71, Date Filed: 27/4/1971, Type: Will, Archives NZ, Auckland