Individual Notes

Note for:   Margaret Lorraine Known As Meg Brown,   4 OCT 1932 - 20 SEP 1984         Index

     Place:   Ashes Scattered, Rose Garden, Karori Cemetery

Individual Note:
     *Birth Details Date: 1932, Folio No: 5870, Area: Wellington, December quarter*

Simple Birth Certificate shows, I hereby certify that, according to the record of the birth in my office, Margaret Lorraine Brown was born at Wellington on the fourth day of October 1932

Trinity College of Music, London Certificates awarded
Student's Certificates, Initial Division, Margaret L. Brown, Pupil of Miss D. Carr duly passed in Pianoforte Initial Division Merit at the Local Examination held at Wellington in October 1942
Student's Certificates, Theory of Music, Preparatory Division, Margaret Brown, Pupil of Mrs L. Watkins duly passed in the following subjects:- Elementary Notation, Time, Scales and Terms Preparatory Division Honours at the Local Examination held at Wellington in June 1944
Student's Certificates, Advanced Preparatory Division, Margaret Brown, Pupil of Mrs L. Watkins duly passed in Pianoforte Advanced Preparatory Division Honours at the Local Examination held at Wellington in November 1944

The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music London Certificate shows, This is to certify that in 1945, Margaret Brown, Pupil of Miss L. Watkins was examined and passed in Pianoforte in Grade Three

Manchester Unity Loyal Certificate shows Manchester Unity Order in New Zealand. This is to certify that sister M. L. Brown of the Loyal Antipodean Lodge, No. 4230, was admitted to the Purple Degree at a Past Grand's Lodge, held in Wellington on the 17 day of June 1953. In witness whereof we have affixed our Names and Seal of the Wellington District, this day of June 1953.
W A Palmer D.G.M., T. E. Bentley D.D.G.M., Geo Craig D.S.

*Marriage Details Date: 1963, Folio No: 5350*

Ashes Scattered at Karori Cemetery Rose Garden, Book of Remembrance

Funeral Service details The Funeral Service for Margaret Lorraine Thornton held in The Roseneath Presbyterian Church on Monday 24th September, 1984 at 11.00am, Officiating Minister: Rev. Raewyn Elliott, Reading: Venerable Ian Browne, Organist: Miss Marion Chappell
Beethoven had a friend, a Baroness, who lost her only child and was desolate from the loss. Beethoven was so close to this family that he personally felt the loss & shared it as his own.
When he visited his friend after the memorial service he could find no word of comfort to say. He went to the piano and started to play a melody we now know as "The Moonlight Sonata". Even in the darkest night, he was trying to express the thought that there is harmony and life if we are sensitive enough to appreciate and hear.
Afterward the Baroness said "He told me everything I needed to know."
Margaret was a capable, intelligent, caring person, a loved daughter and sister who grew up with wide interests and was involved in many sporting and other activities. She developed her musical talent and used it for the benefit of others. Before marriage she travelled overseas with two friends, an experience which later enabled her to act as 'tour guide' for Tom as he travelled about his native land.
Margaret was deeply involved in the life of Calvin Church at Brooklyn where she was organist and taught Sunday Scholl, and in Youth Activities. She played tennis and met Tom though Country Dancing.
After marriage and the advent of Kate, Douglas and David, she used her clever hands to best advantage knitting and doing for the family. She involved herself in the interests of her children outside the home, recording tremendous and memorable service in assisting the Hataitai School and, later, Rongotai College, though its Ladies' Auxiliary.
She was associated with the Manchester Unity Lodge 'Antipodean' for many years. Margaret served as District Treasurer of the South East District of the Girl Guides for eight years. In 1980 she was presented with a Thanks Badge, awarded for a Good Turn to Guiding by a non-uniformed member. She was dependable, supporting, and just quietly there.
Margaret loyal support has meant much to the family of the church here at Roseneath. The children grew in its care, and Margaret supported with her time, ability and love in whatever capacity - whenever there was a need she could fill. The women of the church found her a tower of strength. Although she was officially Secretary-Treasurer of the Women's Evening Group, she was really President as well for quite a considerable period. Her playing the organ for Services was a great joy to us and, we hope, to her. This talent that she had developed so well is greatly missed.
A lady who visited her in hospital made a comment which didn't seem to quite express what she really had in mind to the effect that "when something like this happens it makes all the time at church worthwhile". Margaret's reply was, "I never thought of it like that. I enjoyed every minute of it. My mother had an organ at home but I had and enjoyed the Church organ and though I wasn't the most accomplished organist I enjoyed every minute."
That could well be said of all her involvements: she enjoyed what she did because she gave of herself - as those who are just 'Takers" can never do.
The unparalleled care by the staff of Wellington Hospital and the love and care extended by the folk at Mary Potter Day Care Centre have been much appreciated by Margaret's family and will not be forgotten.
Margaret was a good daughter and family member; a loyal, loving wife, a devoted mother, a natural leader in family living, always ready to help in the community. The world is much better for her having passed this way.
Thanks be to God for the life of Margaret Lorraine Thornton, nee Brown.
This is the way to live, that after you are gone people will wish that you were still around to give them comfort and counsel, love and care, understanding and concern. Some of us have had parents like that, whose memory has been a benediction to us and for whose guidance we have longed even after they have passed away. It may helpful to us, too, to be such kinds of people, such kinds of Christians, as parents, as brother and sisters, as friends and neighbours, that when we are gone other will wish we were still present to give them some encouragement, some love and some guidance.

Death Notice shows
Thornton Margaret Lorraine (Meg), of 22 Rata Road, Hataitai. - On September 20 1984 at Wellington Hospital. Dearly loved wife of Tom, loved mother of Kate, Douglas and David. No flowers please at her own request, but donations to Mary Potter Hospice would be appreciated. Friends are invited to attend her Funeral Service to be held in the Roseneath Presbyterian Church, Grafton Road, on Monday September 24 1984 at 11am. followed by private cremation. E Morris Jnr. FDANZ
Thornton Margaret Lorraine. - At Wellington Hospital on September 20, 1984. Dearly loved daughter of Molly and Jack Brown, Brooklyn, loved sister and sister-in-law of Graham and Elizabeth, Rotorua and Trevor and Joyce, Island Bay - At rest

Margaret Thornton
It is with deep regret that the Wellington Club records the death of one of its Life members - Mrs Margaret Thornton. Margaret joined the Wellington Club in the early days as Margaret Brown and it was there that she met Tom and later became Mrs Thornton. Margaret was a loyal club member and willing worker, and because of her efforts was made a Life member in 1965 along with her husband Tom. Margaret was a person who became very involved in activities and gave a lot of her time to her Church, Girl Guides, and both the primary school and College where her children attend. Although Margaret was not an active dancer in the last few years she still attended some of the club functions and she will be sadly missed. Her friendly manner and willingness to help others ensured her of many friends particularly in the Wellington club who sympathise and will help Tom and his family over their loss